swear words, also called profanity by snobs, annoy many people ...
yet most people use them regularly ...
they give an extra dimension to the language we use ...
you do not need to shout ..simply swear.
they serve a purpose, helping to transmit communicated content ...
i care ... swearing is good! (so long as it is done at the right time)
"In our daily language there is a group of forbiden, secret words. Words without clear meaning and to which magical ambiguity we trust the expression of our most brutal or subtle emotions or reactions. Damned words that we only pronounce in loud voice when we are not dominants of ourselves. COnfusingly, they reflect our intimacy: The explosions our our vitality enlighten them and the depression of our mood obscure them. Sacred language, like the one of childs, poetry and sects. Each letter and each piece of them is animated by a double life, at the same time luminous and dark, revealing and hidden. Words that say nothing and say everything. Teenagers pronounce them in loud voice when they want to brag about being men. The ladies also pronounce them -to show they freedom of spirit or their true feelings. Because these words are definitive, conclusive, despite their ambiguity and how easy their meaning varies. Yes, the bad words. The only living language in a world of drained words. Poetry at the reach of everyone."
Octavio Paz (The Labyrinth of Solitude)
It never fails to amuse me why we can be subject to the strongest forms of violance, yet the mention of a mammary protruberance or the sight there-of (heaven forbid) can cause a fury of moral indignation.
There's nothing wrong with bodily parts, there's nothing wrong with using them and there's absolutely nothing wrong with viewing them!!!
Originally posted by DraxusI'd rather not say sexual intercourse every single time...
If a person can't find other words to describe those same emotions and augmentations that swear words create then they need to work on their vocabulary.
Swear all you want, I don't care, just don't justify it by saying that it is the only way to express certain situations.
Originally posted by DraxusIt certainly produces a unique effect. You are proof.
If a person can't find other words to describe those same emotions and augmentations that swear words create then they need to work on their vocabulary.
Swear all you want, I don't care, just don't justify it by saying that it is the only way to express certain situations.
Justify? Who's f&%*ing justfiying? If you want to truncate your vocabulary, then by all means carry that stick up your a$$. I love a little salt and pepper on my scrambled eggs. Justify . . . self-righteous *)(*!
Originally posted by flexmoreI have noticed that those who do not swear tend to be more respected. I think it comes down to how you want to be treated. The less respect you have for others by swearing at them, the less respect they will have for you in return.
swear words, also called profanity by snobs, annoy many people ...
yet most people use them regularly ...
they give an extra dimension to the language we use ...
you do not need to shout ..simply swear.
they serve a purpose, helping to transmit communicated content ...
i care ... swearing is good! (so long as it is done at the right time)