Candace Owens
Amy Coney Barrett:
-She’s a woman, so they can’t hire their usual fake sexual assault victims.
-She has two black children, so they can’t smear her as a racist.
Taking early bets as to what the Democrats will cook up to try to stop
@mott-the-hoople saidSeems there are no male Republicans who haven't been accused of sexual assault. Note Merrick Garland has no such charges, unlike Kavanaugh or Thomas.
She’s a woman, so they can’t hire their usual fake sexual assault victims.
27 Sep 20
@vivify saidbut Garland did not have a hearing, where such matters are vetted and explored. That is why there were no ‘such charges”. So your statement is not fact. Maybe he had such an indiscretion, maybe not.
Seems there are no male Republicans who haven't been accused of sexual assault. Note Merrick Garland has no such charges, unlike Kavanaugh or Thomas.
27 Sep 20
@mott-the-hoople saidThomas and Kavanaugh's accusers gave testimony evidence for their claims; so much so that Kavanaugh ended up lying under oath about he knows.
I hear by “accuse” you of sexual assault.
Join the crowd...see how easy it is?
27 Sep 20
@averagejoe1 saidStephen Breyer, Democrat, had a hearing; no sexual assault charges for him either.
but Garland did not have a hearing, where such matters are vetted and explored. That is why there were no ‘such charges”. So your statement is not fact. Maybe he had such an indiscretion, maybe not.
27 Sep 20
@mott-the-hoople saidI imagine her extremist judicial philosophy (for which she has left an extensive paper trail) and her limited judicial experience will be the main focus.
Candace Owens
Amy Coney Barrett:
-She’s a woman, so they can’t hire their usual fake sexual assault victims.
-She has two black children, so they can’t smear her as a racist.
Taking early bets as to what the Democrats will cook up to try to stop
Kamala Harris will get some nice face time doing what she does best.
27 Sep 20
@averagejoe1 saidGarland had a hearing in December 1995 for his appointment to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, a post he was confirmed by a 76-23 vote by a Senate with a Republican majority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merrick_Garland#:~:text=On%20September%206%2C%201995%2C%20President,longtime%20mentor%20Abner%20J.%20Mikva.&text=Garland's%20confirmation%20vote%20came%20to,Senate%20on%20March%2019%2C%201997.
but Garland did not have a hearing, where such matters are vetted and explored. That is why there were no ‘such charges”. So your statement is not fact. Maybe he had such an indiscretion, maybe not.
27 Sep 20
@no1marauder saidGood point. And a reasonable point, in that they naturally need to see what kind of a judge she is, that she has what it takes. E g, if they find she ruled in a racist fashion, then by all means do not confirm her. If her paper trail is in line with the tenets of the Constitution, then by all means, confirm her. That is their job. I hope they do it unlike the attempted lynching of Kavanaugh.
I imagine her extremist judicial philosophy (for which she has left an extensive paper trail) and her limited judicial experience will be the main focus.
Kamala Harris will get some nice face time doing what she does best.
Above, someone says Kavanaugh lied under oath, as if that is a fact. If it were a fact, then he would not be confirmed. So the statement above has no business in this thread.
@averagejoe1 saidWhy didn’t Garland have a hearing in 2016 ?? Hmmm ??
but Garland did not have a hearing, where such matters are vetted and explored. That is why there were no ‘such charges”. So your statement is not fact. Maybe he had such an indiscretion, maybe not.
27 Sep 20
@mott-the-hoople saidhttps://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/brett-kavanaugh-lied-brazenly-repeatedly-under-oath-any-law-student-ncna916031
that in untrue
Brett Kavanaugh lied brazenly and repeatedly under oath.
27 Sep 20
@mott-the-hoople saidRemember those words in 2021.
because the voters had entrusted that power to the republicans
A Democratic Senate confirmed Reagan's pick Anthony Kennedy in February 1988 by a 97-0 vote.