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Taxes, government waste, and a balanced budget.

Taxes, government waste, and a balanced budget.


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We seem to be hearing a lot more chanting these days about lowering taxes, and balancing the budget. There may be some common ground here that Conservatives and Liberals would do well to consider: America's government wastes many billions of dollars every year on outdated and unnecessary programs. Rather than slinging mud at each other, perhaps a bipartisan comission of equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans could meet (in open session with TV cameras rolling), identify areas of wasteful government spending for all to see (including the state and lawmaker who would benifit from it), vote on which programs to slash or scale back, send these reccomendations to Congress for passage, and on to the President to sign. In putting more emphasis on slashing government waste, rather than lowering taxes, our deficit would be paid off faster, our Government may run more efficently, and lawmakers may be less likely to engage in pork barrel spending programs, if they knew there would be more scrutiny on there spending habits. Not a perfect solution, I'm sure, but an improvement on our present system, with too much backroom dealmaking.

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Originally posted by bill718
We seem to be hearing a lot more chanting these days about lowering taxes, and balancing the budget. There may be some common ground here that Conservatives and Liberals would do well to consider: America's government wastes many billions of dollars every year on outdated and unnecessary programs. Rather than slinging mud at each other, perhaps a bipartisan ...[text shortened]... lution, I'm sure, but an improvement on our present system, with too much backroom dealmaking.
I agree with you.

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We waste a lot of money on fraud too.

It seems to me that the government should simply get out of the 'giving money away' program. There's too much fraud in the system.

There is nothing Constitutional about it. It came into being because people back in the 60's believed that if people had enough food and shelter, then we wouldn't have Social problems. The theory has been proven wrong. Why continue down a road that has been proven wrong? It doesn't make any sense.

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Originally posted by bill718
We seem to be hearing a lot more chanting these days about lowering taxes, and balancing the budget. There may be some common ground here that Conservatives and Liberals would do well to consider: America's government wastes many billions of dollars every year on outdated and unnecessary programs. Rather than slinging mud at each other, perhaps a bipartisan ...[text shortened]... lution, I'm sure, but an improvement on our present system, with too much backroom dealmaking.
This is something that we should all be able to agree on. A large problem in any kind of organization is this kind of 'incremental budgeting'. If new funds become available, we will look where we can best use this. This way bad projects won't get new funding, but neither are they eliminated. To a large extent this is understandable, I don't think anyone would want to go over the expenditures of a country line by line, yet sometimes this is necessary. Maybe a financial and budget crisis isn't the worst time to actually do this for once.

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Originally posted by bill718
We seem to be hearing a lot more chanting these days about lowering taxes, and balancing the budget. There may be some common ground here that Conservatives and Liberals would do well to consider: America's government wastes many billions of dollars every year on outdated and unnecessary programs. Rather than slinging mud at each other, perhaps a bipartisan ...[text shortened]... lution, I'm sure, but an improvement on our present system, with too much backroom dealmaking.
Come join our Tea Party everyone!!


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Originally posted by whodey
Come join our Tea Party everyone!!

O.K., when's the next meeting in Roswell?

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Originally posted by bbarr
O.K., when's the next meeting in Roswell?
Actually yes. I have determined that alien intervention is the only answer.

Then again, what if those in Washington are really aliens? It would explain a great deal. 😲

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Originally posted by bill718
We seem to be hearing a lot more chanting these days about lowering taxes, and balancing the budget. There may be some common ground here that Conservatives and Liberals would do well to consider: America's government wastes many billions of dollars every year on outdated and unnecessary programs. Rather than slinging mud at each other, perhaps a bipartisan ...[text shortened]... lution, I'm sure, but an improvement on our present system, with too much backroom dealmaking.
How about starting with a proposition made by Harry Rieds opponent? Why not do away with with the department of Education? Of course, this is seen as absurd and radical, but is it? If memory serves, it has only been around since the Carter administration. Since that time what "good" has it done, or do you think that "W"'s no child left behind was such a great success? LOL.

All that can be said is that even Obama admits the present economic direction is not sustainable. His own congressional committee that he appointed says that revenue must be raised and spending slashed.

As for other ideas, I think that Obamacare did not concentrate on fraud like it should have. Clearly billions if not trillions are lost due to fraud from Medicare/Medicaid. I'm afraid that politicians who suggest such a thing would also be labeled a radical right winger. So being from the left, what do you suggest, without being labeled a right winged radical?

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Originally posted by whodey
Actually yes. I have determined that alien intervention is the only answer.

Then again, what if those in Washington are really aliens? It would explain a great deal. 😲
Well, look at this guy:


And compare to this guy:


You make the call!

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Originally posted by bbarr
Well, look at this guy:


And compare to this guy:


You make the call!

They make us think they only want our money, but what they really want is to inhabit our bodies!!

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Originally posted by bbarr
O.K., when's the next meeting in Roswell?
So any answers for bbarr or could you not be any more happier with the fiscal direction the US is headed?

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Originally posted by whodey
How about starting with a proposition made by Harry Rieds opponent? Why not do away with with the department of Education? Of course, this is seen as absurd and radical, but is it? If memory serves, it has only been around since the Carter administration. Since that time what "good" has it done, or do you think that "W"'s no child left behind was such a g ...[text shortened]... So being from the left, what do you suggest, without being labeled a right winged radical?
Actually the Department of Education has existed since 1867. http://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/fed/role.html

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Actually the Department of Education has existed since 1867. http://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/fed/role.html
Ok then, what do you say? How has the Department of Education helped educate the masses? In addition, does this make it worth having it around?

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Originally posted by whodey
Ok then, what do you say? How has the Department of Education helped educate the masses? In addition, does this make it worth having it around?
I'd say there are probably programs within the Education department that could be cut or eliminated without doing any harm to our country's education system.

I'd also say if we reduced our military spending to a reasonable level and taxed the wealthy and their sources of income at historically reasonable rates there'd be no deficit.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
[b]I'd say there are probably programs within the Education department that could be cut or eliminated without doing any harm to our country's education system.
Careful, your starting to sound like a radical.

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