Sad to see how truly ignorant right wingers are:
Hoping to claim the Constitution as their own, Republican members of the House demanded that the founding principles be read into the Congressional Record. Members duly attempted to read their way through the document Thursday morning. It wasn't easy, what with the interruption by a "birther" screaming about President Obama and the frequent bumbling of the the language by members who appeared to be encountering some of the lines for the first time.
But that wasn't the worst of it.
The constitutional "scholars" missed an entire section of what they described as a "sacred document," and skipped part of another section. And they failed to notice the omission until being notified of it after the "historic moment" was done.
The official explanation was that pages of the notebook pulled together by the manager of the show—Congressman Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia—stuck together when passed from one sweaty congressman's hand to the next. ("The Constitution was placed in a three-ring binder, and the pages simply stuck together," explained an embarrassed Goodlatte's embarrassed communications director, Kathryn Rexrode.)
So what sections did they miss?
Article 4 Section 4, which reads: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."
For those Tea Partisans who want to end the election of senators and generally diminish democracy, that's the section that bars the establishment of monarchies and other forms of dictatorship.
The "scholars" also missed the first part of "Article 5 Section 1," which reads: "Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members..."
Yup, these are the people who are going to save the country.
Originally posted by no1marauderPersonally I think the reading was a waste of time. You also left out that the reading was "censored" so as not to offend some members of Congress.
Sad to see how truly ignorant right wingers are:
Hoping to claim the Constitution as their own, Republican members of the House demanded that the founding principles be read into the Congressional Record. Members duly attempted to read their way through the document Thursday morning. It wasn't easy, what with the interruption by a "birt ...[text shortened]... Yup, these are the people who are going to save the country.
As for myself, I am sick of mindless talk. It's time for the newly elected members to put up or shut up.
Originally posted by no1marauderLOL, at least you can't accuse them of failing to provide fodder for satirists everywhere. 😛
Sad to see how truly ignorant right wingers are:
Hoping to claim the Constitution as their own, Republican members of the House demanded that the founding principles be read into the Congressional Record. Members duly attempted to read their way through the document Thursday morning. It wasn't easy, what with the interruption by a "birt ...[text shortened]... Yup, these are the people who are going to save the country.
Originally posted by generalissimoNor can you accuse them of running up a $14 trillion+ debt, ruining pubic education, and waging wars half way across the globe.
LOL, at least you can't accuse them of failing to provide fodder for satirists everywhere. 😛
These people may not be intellectually up to your standards, but at least they have a soul and recognize that the American government is in need of massive reform.
Originally posted by whodeyWell, they're going to vote to repeal health care reform this week. Then I guess they can get to work on that trillion dollars worth of spending cuts necessary since they don't want to increase the debt ceiling.
Personally I think the reading was a waste of time. You also left out that the reading was "censored" so as not to offend some members of Congress.
As for myself, I am sick of mindless talk. It's time for the newly elected members to put up or shut up.
Originally posted by whodeyMany are the same people who voted for GW and the great majority of them still hold him in high esteem. Only a very few of them have ever voiced opposition to either of the wars.
Nor can you accuse them of running up a $14 trillion+ debt, ruining pubic education, and waging wars half way across the globe.
These people may not be intellectually up to your standards, but at least they have a soul and recognize that the American government is in need of massive reform.
Originally posted by whodeyI can't see how they will somehow save "pubic education"* from the depths of ruin given the teabaggers seem determined to abolish the department of education, or so I have heard. As for waging wars, I dont remember ever encountering one of those dullards who was not in favor of the wars, their own chief mother grizzly has consistently supported the war for example.
Nor can you accuse them of running up a $14 trillion+ debt, ruining pubic education, and waging wars half way across the globe.
These people may not be intellectually up to your standards, but at least they have a soul and recognize that the American government is in need of massive reform.
Oh yes, because the more down-to-earth republicans and the democrats don't have a soul? Reform is beautiful word, that ubiquitous term found in almost every speech ever given by both the Dems and the Republicans, too bad such elusive promise always fails to materialize. On the other hand, in light of what the teabaggers have pledged to accomplish I sincerely hope this "reform" never comes.
*it was a typo I know, but still, priceless.
Originally posted by no1marauderThat's not my problem that is their problem. However, those in the Tea Party I have talked to have no such high esteem for him.
Many are the same people who voted for GW and the great majority of them still hold him in high esteem. Only a very few of them have ever voiced opposition to either of the wars.
Originally posted by no1marauderThere you go. Those are the people who will be dying in the streets if government cuts spending.
Well, they're going to vote to repeal health care reform this week. Then I guess they can get to work on that trillion dollars worth of spending cuts necessary since they don't want to increase the debt ceiling.