Harris campaign edits stories about Harris? Naw, say it ain't so. They did have biased search results in past elections, so, yeah, they are doing this. Very shady, or worse. They are a propaganda machine for the democrat party, keyboard warriors. ( I stole that, cool phrase)
BTW, do y'all start your anarchism right about now? People like Rusty and Shav are getting their popcorn ready to watch the fireworks. The reason for their interest is that they depend upon our country, they use our stuff everyday. There is NOTHING in my home from Netherlands or Canada. They cannot say that about the USA. Losers all. Parasites, dependents,. Creepy stuff. Please hide it from your kids, they will need to be self reliant soon enough.
@shavixmir saidI hear all lies from the right in a squealing voice by default.
Squeal little alt-right piggy, squeal!
Yep, it is Harris bribing those pol takers to just CLAIM about a 4% slide to Harris over Trump now. I guess paid in bags of cash, eh.........