Originally posted by sasquatch672If everyone could have your kind of compassion, the world would
I don't wish this woman death, suffering, or physical or emotional harm, trauma, or any other kind of duress. But I wish it could be over so we could have the forums back.
be a better place.
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesI'm thinking zombies here.
The purpose of this thread is to provide an outlet for those people who are blinded by emotion to facts of the case, deluded by feelings of moral superiority and jurisdiction, or simply tired of the shortage of new developments, to create and share their own fantasies about the case.
Further, when Terri finally wastes away and dies, those people ...[text shortened]... hael in the nuts and thanked her parents for fighting to keep her alive."
Have fun.
Dr. S
Perhaps we should write a book together.
Originally posted by sasquatch672If everyone had your compassion the world would be a better place.
Sorry. The people who are lacking compassion are her parents. That woman's been dead for all intents and purposes for fifteen years and their desire to keep her locked in that prison of a lifeless body is selfish, brutal, weak-minded, and wrong.
Originally posted by sasquatch672Show a little compassion for her parents, SQ. You may not agree with them. I may not agree with them. (I absolutely do not agree with Michael having any say in this at all.) But I certainly think the parents have a right to fight for what they believe without being called "selfish, brutal, weak-minded, and wrong." Though they may be wrong in this case, I don't really know. But fr all practical purposes, Terri is much more their daughter than Michael's wife.
Del, if you meant that seriously, thanks. If not, well, I guess I still don't get your sense of humor.
Originally posted by sasquatch672Michael got $300,000 for "loss of companionship" in a lawsuit that also involved $700,000 going into a Terri trust fund for her care. (I have just seen all this presented on the CBS evening news.) The $700,000 was used up in medical care for Terri and now her care is being paid for from the Hospice needy fund. CBS did not indicate what Michael did with his $300,000 other than that it did not go for Teri's care. Obviously he has had companionship for quite some time. This is the first time I've seen such figures and heard explanations. I think it is now just a fight between in-laws who hate each other. Michael should just let the parents have Terri and step out of it. He has his $300,000 and a new family. Fran and I would not want to live like Terri either and long ago we had a lawyer draw up all the necessary papers and each time one of us has been in a hospital the hospital gets a copy. If Terri's mind is no longer with her body, I tend to think that her soul is not there either. However, what harm in letting the parents have their child back? What harm in letting them handle the funeral and burial?
Well, I can't disagree with you about the last part of your post. And I also don't get why, unless Michael Schiavo possesses a preternatural degree of conviction that must only have come from Terry Schiavo pleading with him about ex ...[text shortened]... body, and if it were my loved one, I would want to let them go.
Originally posted by DelmerChrist, I wish you would get off this self-righteous BS about Michael going on with his life with another woman; it's disgraceful. Is the guy supposed to remain celibate the rest of his life because a tragedy happened to his wife? What do you think Terri would have said about? I doubt a loving spouse would say "don't ever have sex again if I go into an irreversible coma"! You're being ridiculous.
Michael got $300,000 for "loss of companionship" in a lawsuit that also involved $700,000 going into a Terri trust fund for her care. (I have just seen all this presented on the CBS evening news.) The $700,000 was used up in medical care for Terri and now her care is being paid for from the Hospice needy fund. CBS did not indicate what Michael did with his ...[text shortened]... ing the parents have their child back? What harm in letting them handle the funeral and burial?
What Michael did with his "loss of consortium" money is none of anybody's business; it was his money and "loss of consortium" is a common recovery in cases where a spouse suffers injury through another's negligence. What Michael says he is doing is trying to honor his wife's wishes; why should he step aside and let others not honor her wishes? To me, that would be a true betrayal of his marriage vows. The "harm" would be his wife's instructions regarding this circumstance would be ignored and her shell would continue to exist despite the fact that she expressly said that is not what she wanted. That sounds like a serious and terrible harm to me.
Originally posted by sasquatch672I'm not going to go nuts about adultry, SQ. I'm not interested in arguing the moral aspects of the case. But I do believe both parties broke a contract. First Terri broke it (probably through no fault of her own but I don't know that) and then Michael broke it. He received $300,000 because she could no longer live up to her part of the contract. Then he broke his part of the contract by taking a second "wife" and having children with her. There are no legal documents stating her wish not to be kept alive under these conditions. The courts have ruled that Michael's word and perhaps the word of two(?) friends are all that's needed. If two business partners were involved and both had broken their partnership contract do you think that the courts would allow the mentally competant partner life and death power over the mentally incompetant partner? I doubt it very much. Leave morality out of it. Leave religion out of it. Much of marriage is indeed a contract not unlike a business contract. It is a legal partnership. If Terri and Michael had been in business together I think thye court would have appointed a neutral arbiter to decide the issue. I think they should have done that in this case years ago. I think they should do it now if it's not too late.
The funeral and burial I don't get.
On the one hand, the guy seems to be a family guy - I know you're going to go nuts on me for that, but I can see how he believes he said goodbye to his wife a long time ago, and started a new ...[text shortened]... and I find the sentiment obnoxious, insulting, and sanctimonious.