The Executive is NOT above the Law

The Executive is NOT above the Law


Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
24 Sep 19

At least not in UK!



31 May 12
25 Sep 19


BoJo tried an end run around Parliament and failed. There is no corresponding provision in the American political system to dissolve Congress, but if there were, one can imagine Trump invoking it. That is exactly why checks and balances are necessary. Kudos to Britain’s SC for standing up to his hubris. If the decision had been less than unanimous, Johnson could still have spun some sort victory out of it. As it stands, this is a humiliating comeuppance for him.

What is abundantly clear now is that Johnson has no more the backing of his own party than Th. May had. Moreover, he is delusional if he thinks he has the backing of the UK public to play the public against both Parliament and the SC.


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
25 Sep 19

@wolfgang59 said
At least not in UK!

the republican led senate says he is

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
25 Sep 19

There are cracks in that stance now with the SENATE unanimously voting to say let the whistleblower have his say in the house.
THAT has to have president CHUMP grinding his jaws.

16 Feb 08
25 Sep 19

@moonbus said
Kudos to Britain’s SC for standing up to his hubris.
Yeah the SC decided that is enough “hubris” let do something about it.


Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
26 Sep 19

I've seen a sitting VP get indicted. Spiro Agnew, Nixon's VP.
But, I've always felt that they did this to get him out because they knew Nixon was stepping down and they didn't want Agnew as president.

Agnew stepped down, Ford was appointed VP, Nixon stepped down, and voila! Ford went from nowhere to president in a couple of months, without being elected.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
26 Sep 19

@wolfgang59 said
At least not in UK!

You folks don’t care about corruption. Youdonteven comment on Biden’s corruption and bragging about doing it

S. Korea

03 Jun 17
26 Sep 19

I think we should hope for justice for everyone regardless of their politics.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
26 Sep 19

@philokalia said
I think we should hope for justice for everyone regardless of their politics.
there'd be no one left in Washington.

Except Trump! lol


31 May 12
26 Sep 19

@averagejoe1 said
You folks don’t care about corruption. Youdonteven comment on Biden’s corruption and bragging about doing it
The executive has no mandate to investigate suspected crimes, including corruption; that is the job of the judiciary (separation of powers). If Trump's true motive had been to root out corruption, the correct procedure would have been to notify the justice dept. and let the FBI investigate (Biden or anyone else). If this had been Trump's 'maiden voyage' one might almost forgive his ignorance of procedure and breach of protocol. However, given his track record of accepting dirt on a previous political rival from a foreign power, it is bloody obvious that when he calls a foreign head of state to ask a "favor", his true motive is to engage a foreign power to help him manipulate an election. This is a treasonable offense, regardless whether Trump attempted to exert any "pressure" on the foreign head of state. Having gotten away with it once before (as he thinks the Mueller report "exonerated" him of collusion), Trump has evidently been emboldened to try it again.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
26 Sep 19

@moonbus said
The executive has no mandate to investigate suspected crimes, including corruption; that is the job of the judiciary (separation of powers). If Trump's true motive had been to root out corruption, the correct procedure would have been to notify the justice dept. and let the FBI investigate (Biden or anyone else). If this had been Trump's 'maiden voyage' one might almost forgi ...[text shortened]... Mueller report "exonerated" him of collusion), Trump has evidently been emboldened to try it again.
Moonbus, you start out fine but the FBI is hamstrung on the Ukraine side of things.

Is Trump guilty of Treason...? LOL Please, man lol!

You are confusing investigating a corrupt Democrat with somehow, betraying America? Trump is not betraying America, he is helping to weed out corruption in the American political process. You're colors are showing here, and they are blue.


07 Feb 09
26 Sep 19

@moonbus said
The executive has no mandate to investigate suspected crimes, including corruption; that is the job of the judiciary (separation of powers). If Trump's true motive had been to root out corruption, the correct procedure would have been to notify the justice dept. and let the FBI investigate (Biden or anyone else). If this had been Trump's 'maiden voyage' one might almost forgi ...[text shortened]... Mueller report "exonerated" him of collusion), Trump has evidently been emboldened to try it again.
Imagine a bank robber just acquitted of bank robbery walking out of the courthouse and then holding up a bank across the street.
That’s the analogy I’m seeing.


07 Feb 09
26 Sep 19

@earl-of-trumps said
Moonbus, you start out fine but the FBI is hamstrung on the Ukraine side of things.

Is Trump guilty of Treason...? LOL Please, man lol!

You are confusing investigating a corrupt Democrat with somehow, betraying America? Trump is not betraying America, he is helping to weed out corruption in the American political process. You're colors are showing here, and they are blue.
Hard to argue with someone who blindly believes his own crap.
Bluntly, if Biden is established to be complicit in any unlawful activity in the Ukraine, that would only make things worse for Trump.

If Biden is so dirty, why didn’t this stuff come in July ?

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