Originally posted by LucardoIf you're not a racist, why are you worried about which nation is least 'ethnic'?
I am a white Afrikaner. I am NOT posting this thread because I am racist, schmuck, but simply because I feel that MY nation are allways willing to show the finger to someone else when in fact we allso have a lot to be ashamed of.
Originally posted by LucardoAfrikaners sure have been unethical in the past, but which ethnic group hasn't? In South Africa, people have a history of treating each other badly, often because they were badly treated in the past. It's pathetic.
Thieving, skelm, scabanga, idiotic, stupid, low life, trash.
I vote for the Afrikaner
Has something or someone got your goat?
Yes, someone has been annoying me lately, but that is none of your business. I merely wanted to know your opinion on business ethnics. Would you for instance rather buy a car from an American salesman, or a French one? Would you rather support a Greek politician than an Italian one? What is your oppinion?