I've now watched every downloadable debate clip I can find, Rep or Dem, and I come away thinking Dennis Kucinich the best candidate by far.
However, I'm registered Republican...so the conundrum ensues:
Romney has the best skin... but who, seriously, who, will be the next US Pres? out of the bunch, republican or democarat...I'm at a loss, no clue- who will it be? Huckabee?
Originally posted by Darth Spongedid you find any of duncan hunter?
I've now watched every downloadable debate clip I can find, Rep or Dem, and I come away thinking Dennis Kucinich the best candidate by far.
However, I'm registered Republican...so the conundrum ensues:
Romney has the best skin... but who, seriously, who, will be the next US Pres? out of the bunch, republican or democarat...I'm at a loss, no clue- who will it be? Huckabee?
[edit: Duncan Hunter] sounds familiar- I only watched the recent you tube debates. I've been slackin. trying to catch up. but i dont' recall seeing him. was he on there and I missed him or?
from the one's I've seen, I can't really picture any of the cadidates of either party as president, but one of them will be... which is perplexing.