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The real Romney?

The real Romney?


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Now I know why Mitt Romney is often called a flip flopper.

Will these statements in his past debate with Ted Kennedy hurt his chances of winning the republican nomination?

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
Now I know why Mitt Romney is often called a flip flopper.


Will these statements in his past debate with Ted Kennedy hurt his chances of winning the republican nomination?
Mitt flip-flops so fast and furious we could hook him up to the grid and power Boston.

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So that leaves Perry or Bachmann or Paul to get the nomination? Ouch. Looks like it may be 4 more years for the President.

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Originally posted by moon1969
So that leaves Perry or Bachmann or Paul to get the nomination? Ouch. Looks like it may be 4 more years for the President.
What about Gingrich?

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
What about Gingrich?
...what about him?

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
What about Gingrich?
I may be behind recent developments, but I thought he was sunk when his campaign team resigned en masse...

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Originally posted by DrKF
I may be behind recent developments, but I thought he was sunk when his campaign team resigned en masse...
You don't really think that is the end of him do you?

Here is my theory. The people that feed us propaganda in the news media know that they are suspected of news coverage bias. That is why they will wait until later to give Gingrich favorable news coverage. This will give the appearance that anybody who complains about Perry and Bachman being favored coverage are wrong about news media bias, except for Ron Paul of course. They will ignore him as long as they can. Whether or not that will work is debatable. That Jon Stewart video is going viral right now.

I think the news media will use the debt problem to bring Gingrich back saying "remember how he helped balance the budget during the Clinton administration? That is the kind of guy we need now".

Remember how the news media boosted Perry in a short amount of time? They can do so for any other candidate as well. Also, keep in mind that the flip flopping will only hurt Romney if people know about it. The news media can ignore Romney's flip flopping if they want to. I see Gingrich, Romney and Huntsman high in the polls in the future. It is still early and the news media can change things at the drop of a dime.

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
Now I know why Mitt Romney is often called a flip flopper.


Will these statements in his past debate with Ted Kennedy hurt his chances of winning the republican nomination?
He's an excellent debater and I agree with most of what he says in this clip (not affirmative action).

If you're saying that politicians need to change based on whether they're running for the GOP nomination or Senator from Massachussetts... well, sorry, but all I can express is a... duh...

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Originally posted by sh76
He's an excellent debater and I agree with most of what he says in this clip (not affirmative action).

If you're saying that politicians need to change based on whether they're running for the GOP nomination or Senator from Massachussetts... well, sorry, but all I can express is a... duh...
That allows other candidates to use Romney's own word against him though. That could be a very real problem fro him in the future.
It does give great ammunition to a guy like Ron Paul who does not have that problem. Don't you think?

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
That allows other candidates to use Romney's own word against him though. That could be a very real problem fro him in the future.
It does give great ammunition to a guy like Ron Paul who does not have that problem. Don't you think?
Yes, it can be a problem for him. But given the weakness of his opposition (or at least of everyone except for Perry), I don't think this problem is necessarily fatal.

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Originally posted by sh76
Yes, it can be a problem for him. But given the weakness of his opposition (or at least of everyone except for Perry), I don't think this problem is necessarily fatal.
Perry was a democrat who was Al Gore's campaign manager and invested in porn mags. I think he has his own weaknesses as well.

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
Perry was a democrat who was Al Gore's campaign manager and invested in porn mags. I think he has his own weaknesses as well.
How many people have never invested in porn mags?

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Originally posted by sh76
How many people have never invested in porn mags?
I havn't. I've bought them before though. Does that count?
Evangelical right wingers might not vote for him because of it.

I remember my father (a republican) did not vote for Reagan because Reagan used to be a democrat. He said he voted for Anderson because he figured he needed the vote. It was basically a protest vote in my opinion. Reagan still won easily but didn't Reagan switched parties more years before running for president than Perry didn't he?

Being Al Gore's campaign manager might hurt him now that Perry is questioning the global warming science. Don't you think?

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
You don't really think that is the end of him do you?

Here is my theory. The people that feed us propaganda in the news media know that they are suspected of news coverage bias. That is why they will wait until later to give Gingrich favorable news coverage. This will give the appearance that anybody who complains about Perry and Bachman being favored ...[text shortened]... in the future. It is still early and the news media can change things at the drop of a dime.
Oooh. I like testable predictions!

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
I havn't. I've bought them before though. Does that count?
Whooosh! 😉

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