For top German ministers to continue blaming this on the US after all that has since happened indicates to me that they are either remarkably ill-informed or psychologically unhinged, or perhaps they are just country bumpkins.
yes - that graph is very interesting - Mr. Evans-Pritchard might want to reconsider his opinions about the German ministers.
this could shed some light on why Germany avoided the bubble.
Most Germans live in rented accommodation. Although the proportion of renters to total households slightly slid from 58% in 1990, to 55% in 2004, this rate is still among the highest in the world. Private landlords own about 46% of the housing stock, social housing is around 6%, and co-operative rentals are around 6%…..
Now that's a concept -- people in Germany actually believe that renting is a perfectly acceptable approach to putting a roof over your head. Those "country-bumpkins" seem to be on to something here.