Oh, don't y's all get your hopes up, this isn't about MSG killing you. Don't be silly.
Yes, you can find plenty of sites telling you about the evils of taste enhancers; how it makes you fat, how it makes your nails fall out, how it makes you go blind (or maybe that's masturbation) and even how it gives you headaches which gives you the runs...
Somehow though, it seems most of these sites are run by UFO spotters, people who believe in tooth fairies or republicans.
MSG or Monosodium glutamate or E621 or Ajinomoto is basically the same stuff you find in Parmesan cheese. Or in soup you've boiled for a long time. Or in most other fermentation processes.
It's natural and if you let food lie long enough it manifests itself... naturally. Hence the first two words of this paragraph.
Sun-dried tomatoes are full of the stuff.
Obviously the food industry is all about profit, so they've taken to adding MSG to their products to make it taste better in a shorter space of time.
So, what's the point of this thread?
Well... I was reading a report on a test involving old people and MSG (on paper and I can't find any links on it on the web), which slipped off the back of a lorry.
Anyhoo... it seems that by adding MSG's to food, you can alter the feeding patterns of old people.
Say you have one box of cornflakes without MSG's and one box of cornflakes with MSG's, the old people will flock (do old people flock? or is it more a form of herding?) towards the cornflakes with the MSG.
How interesting is this then?
Should parents buy packets of MSG to make sprouts more edible?
Should fast food joints be forced to remove artificial MSG's from their foods?
What do you's all think?