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The word 'we'

The word 'we'


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Simple question: When would you say 'we do this' when you personally do not?

More difficult questions: What are the strengths and weaknesses of thinking of yourself as part of a collective? In which areas is collective thinking good/bad?

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Peopl say we when they want to think they have done something they didant, eg "we beat germany at football".

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I think it sounds nicer if you are stating possible faults of the opposition (if you mean using 'we' in a debate).

"We all have problems here, there, and everywhere."
sounds much nicer than
"You have problems here, there, and everywhere."

But say that I didn't have problems at all, it would still be nicer to say the former than the latter, and I think it applies to other things much better than the example I have chosen.

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An I in rest is a dot
A moving I becomes a line
We makes a circle

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Originally posted by fjord
An I in rest is a dot
A moving I becomes a line
We makes a circle
Took me three goes to understand that one... someone slap my head for me...

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