Being able to exchange ideas and debate issues on this site is a very good thing. Despite the fact that differences of opinion are a normal result of this debate forum, this imput is healthy. I've learned a lot here, and wish to thank all of you who take the time to post your opinions. I assure you all that I do value your input, even if I don't always agree with it. Keep those posts coming in! 😀
Originally posted by bill718I'm afraid I do not share your enthusiasm. The debate forum consists of two entrenched sides, with nothing in common, screaming at each other. I see no exchange of ideas. Only a prelude to the next civil war.
Being able to exchange ideas and debate issues on this site is a very good thing. Despite the fact that differences of opinion are a normal result of this debate forum, this imput is healthy. I've learned a lot here, and wish to thank all of you who take the time to post your opinions. I assure you all that I do value your input, even if I don't always agree with it. Keep those posts coming in! 😀