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This Is A Good German

This Is A Good German



People on this site are going to love him to bits:

As for me:


I'm walking backwards for Christmas,
Across the Irish Sea,
I'm walking backwards for Christmas,
It's the only thing for me.

I've tried walking sideways,
And walking to the front,
But people just look at me,
And say it's a publicity stunt.

I'm walking backwards for Christmas,
To prove that I love you.

An immigrant lad, loved an Irish colleen
From Dublin Galway Bay.
He longed for her arms,
But she spurned his charms,
And sailed o'er the foam away

She left the lad by himself, on his own
All alone, a-sorrowing
And sadly he dreamed, or at least that's the
way it seemed, buddy,
That an angel choir did sing -
An angel choir did sing.

I'm walking backwards for Christmas,
Across the Irish Sea.
I'm walking backwards for Christmas,
It's the finest thing for me.

And so I've tried walking sideways,
And walking to the front.
But people just laughed, and said,
'It's a publicity stunt'.

So I'm walking backwards for Christmas
To prove that I love you.

Spike Milligan

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Originally posted by FishHead111
People on this site are going to love him to bits:

As for me:
So we have Gregor Gysis in this spot (the man just stepped down as leader of DieLinke (the Left). He is trying to make a point for immigration.

If Germans die out or not is far from concluded. Even on today birth rate and the assumption of a life expectancy of 80 years there will still be 50 million around in about 80 years time...

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Originally posted by Ponderable
So we have Gregor Gysis in this spot (the man just stepped down as leader of DieLinke (the Left). He is trying to make a point for immigration.

If Germans die out or not is far from concluded. Even on today birth rate and the assumption of a life expectancy of 80 years there will still be 50 million around in about 80 years time...
The problem is he thinks it would be a good thing if it did happen.


Originally posted by FishHead111
The problem is he thinks it would be a good thing if it did happen.
Many European countries have a low birth rate and in the absence of immigration will have serious problems sustaining their economies.

The notion that the Germans (or Europeans) will become extinct is absurd.

The joke in the video clip (never joke when a fascist is listening!) seems to be that if Germans become extinct, then Nazis will become extinct. This is not a good joke and it is a racist one (which is a common combination). There was never more than 50% support for Nazis in Germany (apart from anything else, for heavens sake. the Jews were as German as the trades unionists, social democrats and communists who were rounded up with them) and there were always non-Germans who actively or tacitly supported their racist politics. As long as we have the USA, we seem unlikely to run out of Nazis, not least because the Nazis took so much of their inspiration from American segregationist and eugenicist ideology. In many ways, Germany has become one of our best hopes to prevent the return of Nazism in Europe.

So the video, which is really offensive towards germans, fails on many grounds. Quite how fishface hopes to win converts to his white supremacist, racist cause by circulating this idiotic video is not clear, but does it even have to be clear? He is just a racist troll and a pig ignorant one.


Originally posted by finnegan
Many European countries have a low birth rate and in the absence of immigration will have serious problems sustaining their economies.

The notion that the Germans (or Europeans) will become extinct is absurd.

The joke in the video clip (never joke when a fascist is listening!) seems to be that if Germans become extinct, then Nazis will become exti ...[text shortened]... not clear, but does it even have to be clear? He is just a racist troll and a pig ignorant one.
the Nazis took so much of their inspiration from American segregationist and eugenicist ideology. -Finnegan

Very good Finnegan you have learned something. And guess what American political group that was.
The Progressives /Democrats. The very same that Hillary Clinton identifies herself with.
In her own words : http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hillary+says+she+is+a+progressive&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=082A439F5ECC18401A48082A439F5ECC18401A48


Originally posted by finnegan
Many European countries have a low birth rate and in the absence of immigration will have serious problems sustaining their economies.

The notion that the Germans (or Europeans) will become extinct is absurd.

The joke in the video clip (never joke when a fascist is listening!) seems to be that if Germans become extinct, then Nazis will become exti ...[text shortened]... not clear, but does it even have to be clear? He is just a racist troll and a pig ignorant one.
The implementation of leftist policies usually end up with lower birth rates.

It is a natural consequence of abortion and replacing the family unit with the 'Society unit'.

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Originally posted by finnegan
Many European countries have a low birth rate and in the absence of immigration will have serious problems sustaining their economies.

The notion that the Germans (or Europeans) will become extinct is absurd.

In the 1930's whites were about 35% of the world's population, now they are about 9%, perhaps even less.
Follow that trend to the year 2100.
It's not absurd at all.



Originally posted by utherpendragon
the Nazis took so much of their inspiration from American segregationist and eugenicist ideology. -Finnegan

Very good Finnegan you have learned something. And guess what American political group that was.
The Progressives /Democrats. The very same that Hillary Clinton identifies herself with.
In her own words : http://www.bing.com/vi ...[text shortened]... ry+says+she+is+a+progressive&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=082A439F5ECC18401A48082A439F5ECC18401A48
I suppose it makes some sense to you to identify differences between Democrats and Repuglicans. In many important respects, Europeans find them indistinguishable.


Originally posted by FishHead111
In the 1930's whites were about 35% of the world's population, now they are about 9%, perhaps even less.
Follow that trend to the year 2100.
It's not absurd at all.

Of course it is absurd. The possibility that Indian, Chinese, or other peoples have a higher borth rate than Europeans may indeed alter the proportion of the total made up by Europeans, but it does not equate to making Europeans extinct you idiotic little fishfaced man. Birth rates alter over time and correlate with economic development so it is not legitimate in any event to assume a straight line projection of current trends into the future.


Originally posted by Eladar
The implementation of leftist policies usually end up with lower birth rates.

It is a natural consequence of abortion and replacing the family unit with the 'Society unit'.
Lower birth rates are a good thing, not a bad thing. Women offered improved economic prospects, supportive maternity rights and services, with improved health and infant mortality rates, do indeed choose to have fewer children instead of remaining as the reproductive cows preferred by the Christian, Jewish and Islamic Right. As it happens, in social democracies like those of Northern Europe where such progressive policies are found, you will also notice lower rates of abortion than in primitive Taliban outposts like the USA.

Lower birth rates correlate with economic development and if you wish to argue that leftist policies produce economic prosperity then who am I to argue with you? The Sixties were the best times for the Americans and British ad it was the social policies of that era that the New Right have been demolishing in recent years, restoring conditions of economic insecurity and growing inequality.


Originally posted by finnegan
Lower birth rates are a good thing, not a bad thing. Women offered improved economic prospects, supportive maternity rights and services, with improved health and infant mortality rates, do indeed choose to have fewer children instead of remaining as the reproductive cows preferred by the Christian, Jewish and Islamic Right. As it happens, in social demo ...[text shortened]... demolishing in recent years, restoring conditions of economic insecurity and growing inequality.
Lower birth rates are a good thing,

In a vacuum that would be true. In the end, the planet has limited ability to sustain human life, as well as other life forms. Predation tends to control animal populations, combined with climate and changes in food crops, natural ones.

Germans, and other Europeans, are doing freely what the Chinese government is dictating by force. The trouble is that the European's social policy is based on a growing population, to support their guarantees to old age beneficiaries.

By the way, birth rates in the US are barely over 2, that of sustaining current population, so can that silly Taliban stuff.

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Originally posted by finnegan
Of course it is absurd. The possibility that Indian, Chinese, or other peoples have a higher borth rate than Europeans may indeed alter the proportion of the total made up by Europeans, but it does not equate to making Europeans extinct you idiotic little fishfaced man. Birth rates alter over time and correlate with economic development so it is not legitimate in any event to assume a straight line projection of current trends into the future.
Higher birth rates that go unchecked DO result in the replacement and eventual extinction of any group or species that compete against each other.
Very ignorant of you to claim otherwise.
It's happening right now in front of you but you refuse to see it.


Originally posted by finnegan
Lower birth rates are a good thing, not a bad thing. Women offered improved economic prospects, supportive maternity rights and services, with improved health and infant mortality rates, do indeed choose to have fewer children instead of remaining as the reproductive cows preferred by the Christian, Jewish and Islamic Right. As it happens, in social demo ...[text shortened]... demolishing in recent years, restoring conditions of economic insecurity and growing inequality.
Just was rereading some of Piketty's book last night, and he comments a great deal on demographics. Despite the breeding tendencies of sub Saharan Africa, the overall trend in the world is nearing sustainability.

As is typical of Piketty, he advises against seeing this trend as definitive, but if it were to continue we'd reach equilibrium around the year 2050.

3 edits

Originally posted by FishHead111
In the 1930's whites were about 35% of the world's population, now they are about 9%, perhaps even less.
Follow that trend to the year 2100.
It's not absurd at all.

You know, something interesting happened in the 30's and 40's. Lots of whites were killed.

This idea that "Germans are dying out, we must do something!" is what led to World War II. It's an old idea.

The Irish are, as always, breeding with abandon.


Monty Python Meaning of Life 4/11

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