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THIS is a Republican I would vote for!

THIS is a Republican I would vote for!


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A Conservative that get's it. Hopefully this gains more acceptance within Republican ranks.


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Originally posted by bill718
A Conservative that get's it. Hopefully this gains more acceptance within Republican ranks.

He may be marginally better than the detritus that fills out the rest of the Republican ranks, but I still wouldn't vote for him.

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Originally posted by bill718
A Conservative that get's it. Hopefully this gains more acceptance within Republican ranks.

$12/hr? Please! You'll eliminate a million jobs overnight.

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Originally posted by sh76
$12/hr? Please! You'll eliminate a million jobs overnight.
What makes you say that?

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Originally posted by bill718
A Conservative that get's it. Hopefully this gains more acceptance within Republican ranks.

I'm not sure what the GOP stands for anymore. All I see is the DNC imploding and the GOP just standing their looking stupid with no alternatives to the DNC platform.

I would say that minimum wage is on the DNC platform, hence, perhaps he has the wrong party affiliation.

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
What makes you say that?
If you owned a pizza shop and had 4 workers making $8/hr and suddenly minimum age went to $12, would you:

a) keep all 4 and pay $48/hr instead of $32
b) drop one of your workers if at all possible and pay $36/hr


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Originally posted by sh76
If you owned a pizza shop and had 4 workers making $8/hr and suddenly minimum age went to $12, would you:

a) keep all 4 and pay $48/hr instead of $32
b) drop one of your workers if at all possible and pay $36/hr

c) only hire them 29 hours per week so you don't have to buy them Obamacare.

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Originally posted by sh76
If you owned a pizza shop and had 4 workers making $8/hr and suddenly minimum age went to $12, would you:

a) keep all 4 and pay $48/hr instead of $32
b) drop one of your workers if at all possible and pay $36/hr

Ridiculous! Unemployment hardly effects minimum wage jobs anyway because a place like McDonalds will just take a few items off of the dollar menu, the main source of unemployment comes from industrial companies like Boeing because better technology and outsourcing eliminates the need for high paid workers

Now, if you want to make a case that raising minimum wage causes price increases leading to hyperinflation then maybe you have a point.

But it's probably somewhere in the middle, you raise then just enough so that they match normal inflation rates. The problem is that minimum wage increases happen long after the damage has been done.

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I would maintain my work force of 4 at the new wages, and gradually 1. raise prices to cover the added cost 2. find ways to reduce my overhead.... kind of how things work right?

Originally posted by sh76
$12/hr? Please! You'll eliminate a million jobs overnight.
I'm guessing your comment was probably sarcastic, but just in case it wasn't, unemployment was lower and GDP growth higher during the New Deal era, when the purchasing power of the minimum wage was at its peak. Nike would rather pay third world workers 8c per pair of shoes, but that's because they're greedy, narcissistic and heartless, and not because it would compromise their business to pay an American worker a real wage for the same job. They're hoarding massive amounts of money, and the supply side fairy is fiction. The corporate tax rate and top marginal tax rate on the rich were 90% and 91% under Eisenhower in the 1950s, i.e. during the New Deal era when GDP growth was better than it has been during the Southern Strategy (i.e. Nixon-Reagan-Bush) era.

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Originally posted by karnachz
I'm guessing your comment was probably sarcastic, but just in case it wasn't, unemployment was lower and GDP growth higher during the New Deal era, when the purchasing power of the minimum wage was at its peak. Nike would rather pay third world workers 8c per pair of shoes, but that's because they're greedy, narcissistic and heartless, and not because it wo ...[text shortened]... DP growth was better than it has been during the Southern Strategy (i.e. Nixon-Reagan-Bush) era.
Apples and oranges. You can't choose minute characteristics of the economy to compare between eras unless you control for everything else.

In any case, interestingly, though you lashed out at me for saying it, you answered your own question a few lines later. The very fact that jobs can be outsourced is what prevents minimum wages from being effective. If Nike can pay some guy in China $0.50, it's less likely to pay an American $12 for the same work.

you want to call it greedy and heartless? Fine (though I have no idea what narcissism has to do with it). But it's a reality. Unless you're going to pass some anti-globalization measures, your labor has to be competitive with that which other people are willing to do or employers will not purchase it.

I have no problem with raising the top marginal tax brackets, but that has very little to do with this issue.

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Originally posted by MISTER CHESS
Ridiculous! Unemployment hardly effects minimum wage jobs anyway because a place like McDonalds will just take a few items off of the dollar menu, the main source of unemployment comes from industrial companies like Boeing because better technology and outsourcing eliminates the need for high paid workers

Now, if you want to make a case that raising ...[text shortened]... on rates. The problem is that minimum wage increases happen long after the damage has been done.
McDonalds is one company that has a unique ability to pass on its costs to consumers because of its market position. Most people work for small companies, which do not always have that ability. When you increase the cost of labor to companies, companies purchase less of it, as with every other commodity. Maybe they'll only cut their employees' hours rather than the number of employees; but either way, if costs of labor go up, many companies will decrease the labor they consume. It's common sense.

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Many times when minimum wage increases certain types of jobs are simply not profitable. For instance, if I everyone had to pay twice as much for a baby sitter, I do not think people would pass on costs in other ways. Instead I think people would simply not use that service. Either they would watch a movie at home or take the kids with them or have the kids have a sleep over at a friends house. Substitutes and decreased consumption is the logical result of dramatic increases in unskilled labor costs.

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Originally posted by bill718
A Conservative that get's it. Hopefully this gains more acceptance within Republican ranks.

I would just like to know, what exactly makes this guy a conservative in your mind Bill?

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Originally posted by sh76
If you owned a pizza shop and had 4 workers making $8/hr and suddenly minimum age went to $12, would you:

a) keep all 4 and pay $48/hr instead of $32
b) drop one of your workers if at all possible and pay $36/hr

If I owned a pizza shop and I could do the same work with fewer employees, I would fire them regardless of what they are paid. So if I need those employees I would be forced to pay them more and thus charge consumers more for their pizza.

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