The dilema in my classroom this morning, as I (not exactly a moral guy) was attempting to teach morals to a bunch of immature 14 year old was about whether or not to be a rat.
Is it right or wrong to tell on your friends when they have done something wrong? Is that a true, long lasting friendship if you do, or if you don't?
Example - I had a valuable sports figurine in my classroom, left the room to get some coffee, came back and it was shattered on the floor. Its my property, cost alot of money, i want to know what happened. Your friend broke it- What do you do?
Tell or Dont Tell????????
Originally posted by PocketKingsI would have to say first off that something so valuable to you both in cost and possibly sentimental reasons should not be brought to or left in such a prone position that this could happen to it. I have kids and they break everything!
The dilema in my classroom this morning, as I (not exactly a moral guy) was attempting to teach morals to a bunch of immature 14 year old was about whether or not to be a rat.
Is it right or wrong to tell on your friends when they have done something wrong? Is that a true, long lasting friendship if you do, or if you don't?
Example - I had a valua ...[text shortened]... want to know what happened. Your friend broke it- What do you do?
Tell or Dont Tell????????
Second of all every kid knows that it is better to keep your mouth shut than to rat out a buddy. You never know when you may need the favor returned.
Originally posted by Ringtailhunterif your thinking morally, your wrong. if your going along with society, you are right.
I would have to say first off that something so valuable to you both in cost and possibly sentimental reasons should not be brought to or left in such a prone position that this could happen to it. I have kids and they break everything!
Second of all every kid knows that it is better to keep your mouth shut than to rat out a buddy. You never know when you may need the favor returned.
This was in a spot in my room they are not allowed to go
Originally posted by PocketKingsYou cannot teach what you do not know. Children have built-in sincerity gauges that are difficult to fool.
Is it right or wrong to tell on your friends when they have done something wrong? Is that a true, long lasting friendship if you do, or if you don't?
Tell or Dont Tell????????
Don't attempt to use against their social instinct the very thing you would have rejected in the same situation.
The riight answer, of course, is that integrity is loyalty to the truth. Wisdom is knowing when the truth is deserved.
Originally posted by Ringtailhunterpunish the whole class you'll soon find the culprit. anyway kids are soooo bad at lying.
I would have to say first off that something so valuable to you both in cost and possibly sentimental reasons should not be brought to or left in such a prone position that this could happen to it. I have kids and they break everything!
Second of all every kid knows that it is better to keep your mouth shut than to rat out a buddy. You never know when you may need the favor returned.
edit: if it was me i would admit it rather than letting my school friends be punished for something they didn't do
Originally posted by PocketKingsActually in my line of thinking I have avoided any moral issues altogether by never underestimating the stupidity of young people or for that matter thier intelligence.
if your thinking morally, your wrong. if your going along with society, you are right.
This was in a spot in my room they are not allowed to go
Here is an example of my line of thinking. My wifes good friend came to town to stay with us for 10 days. She does not have children or really have any experience having them around. She brought with her a brand new Mac computer which incidentally cost her quite a bit of wing wangs. She would leave it about the house in really bad spots where it could easily be knocked over or have something spilt on it. I had to constantly tell her to put it away and not have it out unless she was near by. I made no bones about it. I told her that things do happen out of pure accident or just meanness and that now if something happened to it it was no longer my problem or my childrens.
Now being that you stated you knew about what societies view would be... you knew the risks involved in bringing something you value to a place where harm could happen to it. Now if it was a lesson you were setting out to give the kids about personal property I think a really good lesson has been learned by all.
The kids learned that your personal things can be broken and nothing will happen to them, and you learned not to bring anything you particularly like to a place of employment.
I think it was a super lesson.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHNine out of ten alter boys would agree to this statement.
You cannot teach what you do not know. Children have built-in sincerity gauges that are difficult to fool.
Don't attempt to use against their social instinct the very thing you would have rejected in the same situation.
The riight answer, of course, is that integrity is loyalty to the truth. Wisdom is knowing when the truth is deserved.
Originally posted by Ringtailhunteractually the friends did come to me and tell me. i told the friends to try to get the person to come see me and admit responsibility for their actions. He did and it worked out well. and i was commended by my boss for handling in a way where my students learned right from wrong
Actually in my line of thinking I have avoided any moral issues altogether by never underestimating the stupidity of young people or for that matter thier intelligence.
Here is an example of my line of thinking. My wifes good friend came to town to stay with us for 10 days. She does not have children or really have any experience having them ar ...[text shortened]... thing you particularly like to a place of employment.
I think it was a super lesson.
The students did learn a very valuable lesson, that nothing in my room can be broken without something happening to them, and i learned I can have things in my environment that i particularly like. And I learned that there is still some good in this society, and people that still do the right thing
Originally posted by PocketKingsActually you wont find out if you can have anything valuable in the classroom until you bring in something else. I would suggest something perhaps passed down for 100 generation that cannot be replaced if you are so confident in your triumph. 😉
actually the friends did come to me and tell me. i told the friends to try to get the person to come see me and admit responsibility for their actions. He did and it worked out well. and i was commended by my boss for handling in a way where my students learned right from wrong
The students did learn a very valuable lesson, that nothing in my room can ...[text shortened]... at there is still some good in this society, and people that still do the right thing
Congratulations you have a class full of non-team members that will not stick up for eachother. You should encourage the class to take care of thier own problems and learn to deal with them accordingly without having to bring authority into it first.
Snitches all ran home where I came from.
EDIT> If that is the case the culprit has no friends....friends don't do that to eachother.
The moral values of the kids we are talking about are more or less first braught up by their parents.
Possible first scenario:
Your son (cause boys are just bad :-) broke something while you where out of the room. You come into the room and ask who was that ? (what a dumba$$ question to ask as it is obvious) and he yells: Wasn´t me.
The reaction of the parent is now critical.
If it slaps its chilld for lying than the lesson possibly would be either not to lie or (chances are higher) to hind any suspect things or evidence of your failure before anybody sees it.
If the parent talks to the child logical like fall it down on its own. Was there some robber in this room ? the kid will either lie even more or is embaressed as caught in the act of lying (and didn´t thaught about it it was a reaction as it was afraid of being punished).
If this child has a bro or sis or a pal in the same room you can just see how they team up against the foe their parent. This is a natural reactions as the human beiings are stronger in groups. Is this morally wrong ?
In my opinion it was indeed morally wrong that the person who broke your figurine doesn´t have the b... to take responsibility for his action (whether accidently or not) but he is no high time moral player when he comes crawling as his costudents informed him: The teacher know you was it and now wants to see you.
But IMHO it is wrong to denunciate somebody else. Just life danger or to avoid the solo punsishment of himself (not the whole class) are excuses there.
There was a similiar scenario while I was at school.
Two girls were at war for a boy from another class. A boy of that class now scribbled the school bag of the Girl B with an edding (non-rmovable).
The class teacher knew about the fight the girls were in and suspected Girl A and was about to punish her hardly.
A second boy stood up and confessed for an action he know the other boy has committed as he found the punishment to be to hard to bear for Girl A although he was absolutely innocent and saw who committed the "crime". But he didn´t denunciated the boy who did it.
The boy who was guilty was so humbled by this act that he stood up, confessed and take the full responsibility for it (extra lessons after school end, cleaning the stairs with the housekeeper and a phone call to his parents). The story is really true.
That is a lesson. Both the Girl and the boy who confessed although not guilty where doing absolutely right to not sell out Boy A.
So loyalty above truth and justice but up to a certain degree if you ask me.
There is a reason why in Germany you don´t have to act as a whitness against your family members. How about that in the US or elsewhere ?
Just my two cents.
How bout this question of morality:
My neighbor brought home a female puppy about a year ago. She used to put her dog in my backyard because it was fenced in and could then play and exercise with my female basset hound which is about the same age. In October I brought home a male Redbone pup. I don’t neuter my male dogs until about 2 years old in case he’s a keeper and I want to put him out for stud. Anyway she throws her dog over the fence and I ask her if her dog is spayed. She says no. I promptly tell her that My dog is not neutered and that she needs to understand that I am not having any responsibility for unsanctioned puppies fathered by my dog in her dog and suggested that she remove her dog from my backyard and to quit tying the dog up to a tree where her dog can be near the fence. She asked me why her dog could not be near the fence and I told her that I still take no responsibility if my dog nails her dog through the fence. Incidentally she has about ¾ acres of land and plenty of other places to stake her dog but still insists on tying her dog up on a long rope next to my fence and also lets her dog run free on occasion.
Where does the moral problem lay if My dog drills her dog fathering puppies?
Sorry I digress
Originally posted by RingtailhunterWhen I think about it more if my dog nails her dog through the fence being that I told not to tie her dog up she moraly obligated to pay the 150$ stud fee?
How bout this question of morality:
My neighbor brought home a female puppy about a year ago. She used to put her dog in my backyard because it was fenced in and could then play and exercise with my female basset hound which is about the same age. In October I brought home a male Redbone pup. I don’t neuter my male dogs until about 2 years old ...[text shortened]... the moral problem lay if My dog drills her dog fathering puppies?
Sorry I digress
Originally posted by RingtailhunterOnly if the price is agreed in advance.
When I think about it more if my dog nails her dog through the fence being that I told not to tie her dog up she moraly obligated to pay the 150$ stud fee?
Otherwise it's a freebee, and you're a pimp.
A doggy pimp.