Originally posted by KneverKnightIsn't that a problem where you live? I mean you give them an inch and *blam* They think they rule the place. Damn bears. Plus I think their religious leader is a little odd. Really what kind of leader calls himslf "Pooh" and whats with that honey fixation.
Couldn't access the pic for some reason, but are you saying that we all need to pack a rod at all times for protection from rampaging bears?
Originally posted by flyUnityI just found out that this site isnt completly true, its a true picture, but the size of the bear is false, and this site claimed that this specific bear kill 2 humans, Which is also false. Sorry Guys, I talk to fast sometimes.
but my point is still valid, I wouldnt even go in the mountians by myself without a gun, There are so many bear problems around my area, and if guns get outlawed, I bethca Wyoming and Alaska would break off from the United States lol
In Canada we have a gun registry. It has cost us 30 million dollars, and has yet to be proven effective. 30 million that could have been better spent. It seems sad that our society is complety defenseless from the criminals who would prey on us. Leaving our only, and last line of defense as the Police.
Originally posted by CanadaguyActually, bears trashed my compost heap one night last summer.
Isn't that a problem where you live? I mean you give them an inch and *blam* They think they rule the place. Damn bears. Plus I think their religious leader is a little odd. Really what kind of leader calls himslf "Pooh" and whats with that honey fixation.
I got even though, loaded it up with cayenne pepper, never seen them since.