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Trump and covid

Trump and covid


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.....Donald Trump garnered more votes than
anyone in history except, of course, Joe Biden.
....Having said that, isn't it frightening that had it
not been for the Covid pandemic, Trump may
very well have been re-elected?
....Maybe there is a God after all.

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@jimm619 said
.....Donald Trump garnered more votes than
anyone in history except, of course, Joe Biden.
....Having said that, isn't it frightening that had it
not been for the Covid pandemic, Trump may
very well have been re-elected?
....Maybe there is a God after all.
Trump consistently trailed Biden in the polls before COVID. He was headed for defeat unless he could improve his approval rating, which COVID gave him a chance to do. Initially he received a bump in March as Presidents normally do during a crisis, but his incompetent handling and idiotic remarks soon sank him back to his normal levels of disapproval.

Bottom line: there is little evidence that Trump lost because of COVID.



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@no1marauder said
Trump consistently trailed Biden in the polls before COVID. He was headed for defeat unless he could improve his approval rating, which COVID gave him a chance to do. Initially he received a bump in March as Presidents normally do during a crisis, but his incompetent handling and idiotic remarks soon sank him back to his normal levels of disapproval.

Bottom line: there ...[text shortened]... 6247.html

.............I always respect your opinion, and, most usually agree
with you. You will notice I said, ''may well have'', not ''did'',
or even ''probably''. You are always intelligently well informed
and I will defer to your keen mind.....'Course, Bush trailed Kerry
in the polls and Trump trailed Clinton.......Still, I say, ''What if''?

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@jimm619 said
.............I always respect your opinion, and, most usually agree
with you. You will notice I said, ''may well have'', not ''did'',
or even ''probably''. You are always intelligently well informed
and I will defer to your keen mind.....'Course, Bush trailed Kerry
in the polls and Trump trailed Clinton.......Still, I say, ''What if''?
Bush actually led Kerry. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2004/president/us/general_election_bush_vs_kerry-939.html

Trump trailed Hillary true and did lose the popular vote but a 2 point loss there makes an Electoral College win by a Republican not all that unlikely. A 4.5% loss is another kettle of fish.

I do not think that COVID changed many minds regarding Trump and I don't know of any persuasive evidence to the contrary. True, the public disapproved of his handling of it by a wide margin, but that does not seem to have affected the overall course of the election; Biden had his biggest lead in the summer of 2020 when COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths had fallen from their Spring highs.

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@no1marauder said
Bush actually led Kerry. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2004/president/us/general_election_bush_vs_kerry-939.html

Trump trailed Hillary true and did lose the popular vote but a 2 point loss there makes an Electoral College win by a Republican not all that unlikely. A 4.5% loss is another kettle of fish.

I do not think that COVID changed many minds regardin ...[text shortened]... the summer of 2020 when COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths had fallen from their Spring highs.
.......We both know if Democrats showed up to
better reflect their numbers The Republicans would (almost)
never win an election. I'm thinking more of the turnout effect
that the virus had on the less enfranchised among us who
happen to be mostly Democrats and largely, minority.
....Do you agree?


@jimm619 said
.......We both know if Democrats showed up to
better reflect their numbers The Republicans would (almost)
never win an election. I'm thinking more of the turnout effect
that the virus had on the less enfranchised among us who
happen to be mostly Democrats and largely, minority.
....Do you agree?
Turnout in the election was record shattering:

"Voter turnout in 2020 was the highest in 120 years when measured as a percentage of the voting-eligible population: 66.7 percent." https://www.cfr.org/blog/2020-election-numbers

This was expected after the massive turnout in the 2018 mid-terms; Trump seems to have driven turnout both for and against him.

Republicans are now anxiously working to reduce turnout: "In a backlash to historic voter turnout in the 2020 general election, and grounded in a rash of baseless and racist allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, legislators have introduced three times the number of bills to restrict voting access as compared to this time last year. Twenty-eight states have introduced, prefiled, or carried over 106 restrictive bills this year (as compared to 35 such bills in fifteen states on February 3, 2020)." https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/voting-laws-roundup-2021

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@no1marauder said
Turnout in the election was record shattering:

"Voter turnout in 2020 was the highest in 120 years when measured as a percentage of the voting-eligible population: 66.7 percent." https://www.cfr.org/blog/2020-election-numbers

This was expected after the massive turnout in the 2018 mid-terms; Trump seems to have driven turnout both for and against him.

Republican ...[text shortened]... February 3, 2020)." https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/voting-laws-roundup-2021
....I'll not argue that. Old white men trying to hold on
to power in the face of a changing demographic. Many
State Legislatures have chosen to enact Jim Crow type rules
in order to suppress the vote....So frightened of change......sad.

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@jimm619 said
.....Donald Trump garnered more votes than
anyone in history except, of course, Joe Biden.
....Having said that, isn't it frightening that had it
not been for the Covid pandemic, Trump may
very well have been re-elected?
....Maybe there is a God after all.
2 million dead worldwide because of some virus and you're saying "golly gee! Trump didn't get re-elected! Maybe there is a god after all"

Ah-heyuck! Hey Ma! I think there is a god cause Trump didn't get re-elected 🤪
The world is saved now! issa gunna be a paradise on earth now causa old Joe Biden 🤪

Praise da Lord!

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@no1marauder said
Trump consistently trailed Biden in the polls before COVID. He was headed for defeat unless he could improve his approval rating, which COVID gave him a chance to do. Initially he received a bump in March as Presidents normally do during a crisis, but his incompetent handling and idiotic remarks soon sank him back to his normal levels of disapproval.

Bottom line: there ...[text shortened]... 6247.html

I agree on at least one point.
COVID presented Trump with a golden opportunity to secure a 2nd term.
Trump's COVID response essentially snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Leaders in other countries have enjoyed a boost in their popularity.
Being from Canada, I saw Trudeau's approval rating increase even through a political scandal.
Many countries will have their sessions of Monday morning quarterbacking once the pandemic subsides.
Trump got himself pulled in the bottom of the 2nd inning.
In the end, his incompetence did him in.

But hey !!
He got a few conservative judges into SCOTUS.
And to some in this forum, that's all that matters.

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@gratis-pawn said
2 million dead worldwide because of some virus and you're saying "golly gee! Trump didn't get re-elected! Maybe there is a god after all"

Ah-heyuck! Hey Ma! I think there is a god cause Trump didn't get re-elected 🤪
The world is saved now! issa gunna be a paradise on earth now causa old Joe Biden 🤪

Praise da Lord!
............Don't forget to take your medication

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@gratis-pawn said
2 million dead worldwide because of some virus and you're saying "golly gee! Trump didn't get re-elected! Maybe there is a god after all"

Ah-heyuck! Hey Ma! I think there is a god cause Trump didn't get re-elected 🤪
The world is saved now! issa gunna be a paradise on earth now causa old Joe Biden 🤪

Praise da Lord!
You seem to be fluent in trailer park English.
And you want to be a liberal. 😆

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