@averagejoe1 saidTrump beat up an immigrant?
...There have been 46 in Brownsville in those same days....Guess which town Biden is going to.. He is absolutely a failure, and that is a nice word. He is scared, he wants back in his stateroom on the plane.
Trump will kick his azz.
Did you know that the Senate approves $20 billion in new funding for border security and trump told his Republicans friends in Congress not to pass it? They are actively obstructing efforts to fix the problems and proposing no alternative solutions of their own.
@wildgrass saidYou are cherry picking.No one here swallows your one-sentence revelation. Well, some do, Suzy and Sonhouse and all in between.
Trump beat up an immigrant?
Did you know that the Senate approves $20 billion in new funding for border security and trump told his Republicans friends in Congress not to pass it? They are actively obstructing efforts to fix the problems and proposing no alternative solutions of their own.
It is 2;26 Central time and I am watching a split screen of these 2 presidents in their respective visiting sites. A real man who will be getting things done, who has perfect recall and will remember and act on everything he observes today. Biden will be looking for his bed when Obama tells him to get on back to the plane. You can tell that Biden's hosts are low level people who are sick of standing around with his frail fog encompassing the area. I am so sorry you do not see this great coverage on FOX.
Around 4PM remarks of both presidents will be broadcast. You will not watch it, which is why you little fellers do not know what is gong on. People die, cartel shuttles crash and kill people, drugs, then they 'getaway' , we don't know where they are. The others get free tickets to town of their choice, free meds, three meals a day. Under Trump, had illegal immidgration down over 80%. The border was secure.
I wish that they would show Biden in an ice cream parlor while showing Trump iin a tent with Gov Abbott taling serious business. How queer it is when Biden walksinto an icecream shop with his hand extended =, no one even close to him to shake hands.
29 Feb 24
@averagejoe1 saidDoes this OP mean to say what you said, or did you actually mean something else which didn't come across?
...There have been 46 in Brownsville in those same days....Guess which town Biden is going to.. He is absolutely a failure, and that is a nice word. He is scared, he wants back in his stateroom on the plane.
Trump will kick his azz.
29 Feb 24
@averagejoe1 saidYou keep misspelling Trump.
You are cherry picking.No one here swallows your one-sentence revelation. Well, some do, Suzy and Sonhouse and all in between.
It is 2;26 Central time and I am watching a split screen of these 2 presidents in their respective visiting sites. A real man who will be getting things done, who has perfect recall and will remember and act on everything he observes today. ...[text shortened]... with his frail fog encompassing the area. I am so sorry you do not see this great coverage on FOX.
29 Feb 24
@suzianne saidWell, I simply tell you all (y'all down here) that the weak and feeble Biden, on a trip to the border for some unknown reason, went to where there is no action, only 46 people invading over a 5-day period. Trump to where he can SEE columinous crossings first hand, so that when he is back in Oval, he can sign really cool orders.
Does this OP mean to say what you said, or did you actually mean something else which didn't come across?
Sorry I did not make that more clear., As to mimsspellling Trmp, I do not have time to go back to correct it, I am tied up, getting behind on Sonhouse revelations. Hey , did you see his last post?
29 Feb 24
@averagejoe1 saidBollocks. Only brainwashed sycophants go along with the pigs flying narrative that trump had the border under control. It was an absolute mess. There were caravans and surges and record numbers of crossers all over the place.
You are cherry picking.No one here swallows your one-sentence revelation. Well, some do, Suzy and Sonhouse and all in between.
It is 2;26 Central time and I am watching a split screen of these 2 presidents in their respective visiting sites. A real man who will be getting things done, who has perfect recall and will remember and act on everything he observes today. ...[text shortened]... Biden walksinto an icecream shop with his hand extended =, no one even close to him to shake hands.
Are you brainwashed?
29 Feb 24
@averagejoe1 saidYeah, Joe, but the people that watch CNN will never know the difference.
...There have been 46 in Brownsville in those same days....Guess which town Biden is going to.. He is absolutely a failure, and that is a nice word. He is scared, he wants back in his stateroom on the plane.
Trump will kick his azz.
@wildgrass saidWildgrass, apparently you are brainwashed. check out the Snopes factcheck
Bollocks. Only brainwashed sycophants go along with the pigs flying narrative that trump had the border under control. It was an absolute mess. There were caravans and surges and record numbers of crossers all over the place.
Are you brainwashed?
7.2M Migrants Have Illegally Crossed US Border Under Biden, Exceeding the Populations of 36 States?
U.S. Border Patrol agents and Office of Field Operations officials recorded encounters with more than 7.2 million migrants who attempted to cross the Southwest border between the time Biden assumed office and the end of January 2024. Comparatively, the number of border encounters with migrants under the Trump administration was around 2.4 million, according to statistics provided on the CBP and DHS websites.
01 Mar 24
@earl-of-trumps said2.4 million is NOT under control.
Wildgrass, apparently you are brainwashed. check out the Snopes factcheck
7.2M Migrants Have Illegally Crossed US Border Under Biden, Exceeding the Populations of 36 States?
U.S. Border Patrol agents and Office of Field Operations officials recorded encounters with more than 7.2 million migrants who attempted to cross the Southwest border between th ...[text shortened]... d on the CBP and DHS websites.
01 Mar 24
Hey you know Mikey SAID he talked to Trump and told him not to pass the border bill. You god king is looking pretty sad these days. Offered 100 mil and that will go over like a turd in a punch bowl. Of course since you live in la la land nothing about that is real or ever will be because your god king is your savior. You bow down to your religious leader and will do anything your god wants.
01 Mar 24
@wildgrass saidI must be…..or you are
Bollocks. Only brainwashed sycophants go along with the pigs flying narrative that trump had the border under control. It was an absolute mess. There were caravans and surges and record numbers of crossers all over the place.
Are you brainwashed?
01 Mar 24
@wildgrass saidWildgrass….(sonhouse,please go to another thread, no offense) could you respond honestly to Earl’s thread?
2.4 million is NOT under control.
@averagejoe1 saidWas you Joe. You said 2.4 million crossings is under control? That's what, an average more than 2000 per day through the whole of trump's tenure?
Wildgrass….(sonhouse,please go to another thread, no offense) could you respond honestly to Earl’s thread?
Under control? Get bleeping real. You brainwashed.
1,714 per day on average.... Under control.
You're the problem Joe. Sycophants.
01 Mar 24
First you have to actually HAVE a brain to be washed.... He gave his brain 100% to Trump so Trump does all his thinking for him.