@mott-the-hoople saidI don't suppose it's occurred to you Joe Biden is not being impeached for abuse of power and obstructing Congress. Donald Trump is.
...compared to this slimy bastard!
Obama and Biden were in power for 8 years, try as they might, the GOP could find no grounds for impeachment against either of them.
But you know better - Right?? 😵
Your handlers are really handing you another line of bullshyte. So how do they pay you? Rubles? Do you have to cash them in at Wells Fargo? Or do they just add money to your secret Cayman Island account?
@mchill saidRight!!!!! Whew. OK Sue. You could AT LEAST say that there were offenses, like Fast and Furious, which were impeachable,,,,,or, at least worth a $30M investigation over 3 years..... But such an investigation was not undertaken, Right!!!!!
I don't suppose it's occurred to you Joe Biden is not being impeached for abuse of power and obstructing Congress. Donald Trump is.
Obama and Biden were in power for 8 years, try as they might, the GOP could find no grounds for impeachment against either of them.
But you know better - Right?? 😵
But WHY wasnt it undertaken? . Because, obama was not mortally reviled and hated as is Trump. I know you and Sinhouse are busting st the seams to tell us why Trump is hated, which is irrrlevant. We didnt try to unseat Obama, for Fast and Furious, but you try to unseat Trump with no basis for impeachment. Strange indeed.
@averagejoe1 saidTrump must be a bigger crook.
We didnt try to unseat Obama, for Fast and Furious, but you try to unseat Trump with no basis for impeachment.
It is not up to YOU to define 'impeachable'. THAT is up to the HOUSE. If the house says having orange hair is impeachable then it is impeachable. There doesn't have to be a crime which is what Dershowitz said 20 years ago. Now that he is just another Trump sycophant, paid to say what Trump WANTS him to say, NOW there has to be a crime to be impeachable. Funny thing how the exchange of a few bucks can change the mind of a sycophant like Dershowitz.
So tell me, which version of Dershowitz and Linsey Graham crackers stance 20 years ago V their stance today, which one is correct?
It couldn't POSSIBLY be the fact 20 years ago it was a DEMOCRAT POTUS in trouble could it? NAH, the senate is TOTALLY impartial, right?
According to the rePUTINincans like Moscow Mitch Trump's offenses are about on the level of a jaywalker at an intersection. Which in fact makes Trump above the law. Great going, turning Trump into an actual king who by definition can do no wrong INCLUDING shooting someone on 5th avenue in broad daylight.
@averagejoe1 saidBut WHY wasnt it undertaken?
Right!!!!! Whew. OK Sue. You could AT LEAST say that there were offenses, like Fast and Furious, which were impeachable,,,,,or, at least worth a $30M investigation over 3 years..... But such an investigation was not undertaken, Right!!!!!
But WHY wasnt it undertaken? . Because, obama was not mortally reviled and hated as is Trump. I know you and Sinho ...[text shortened]... , for Fast and Furious, but you try to unseat Trump with no basis for impeachment. Strange indeed.
My Lord - How dense are you?? I just explained why it wasn't undertaken!
OK: One - More - Time: Impeachment proceedings were not undertaken by House Republicans because there were no legal grounds to do so, and the GOP lawmakers knew it. 🙄
Is your dim bulb beginning to function now??
@sonhouse saidHa ha ha. Sonhouse says the House decides what is impeachable. Surely the Constitution decided what is impeachable in its Articles. You know, High Crimes, Treason , Misemeanors.. If the House says orange hair is impeachable, it is not, Sonhouse. It would not meet any of the above-named standards. You are wrong.
It is not up to YOU to define 'impeachable'. THAT is up to the HOUSE. If the house says having orange hair is impeachable then it is impeachable. There doesn't have to be a crime which is what Dershowitz said 20 years ago. Now that he is just another Trump sycophant, paid to say what Trump WANTS him to say, NOW there has to be a crime to be impeachable. Funny t ...[text shortened]... l king who by definition can do no wrong INCLUDING shooting someone on 5th avenue in broad daylight.
easy, now, dont let anger and hatred guide your missives.
@mchill saidYou and I must have different news sources!!!!!! It was called Fast and Furious where I come from. You can find it on google, I'm not very well versed on linking.
But WHY wasnt it undertaken?
My Lord - How dense are you?? I just explained why it wasn't undertaken!
OK: One - More - Time: Impeachment proceedings were not undertaken by House Republicans because there were no legal grounds to do so, and the GOP lawmakers knew it. 🙄
Is your dim bulb beginning to function now??
@averagejoe1 said$30M over 3 years is peanuts compared to how much has been spent to fly Donald to his golf course on Air Force One, I would think.
Right!!!!! Whew. OK Sue. You could AT LEAST say that there were offenses, like Fast and Furious, which were impeachable,,,,,or, at least worth a $30M investigation over 3 years..... But such an investigation was not undertaken, Right!!!!!
But WHY wasnt it undertaken? . Because, obama was not mortally reviled and hated as is Trump. I know you and Sinho ...[text shortened]... , for Fast and Furious, but you try to unseat Trump with no basis for impeachment. Strange indeed.
@averagejoe1 saidJust to refresh my memory........
Ha ha ha. Sonhouse says the House decides what is impeachable. Surely the Constitution decided what is impeachable in its Articles. You know, High Crimes, Treason , Misemeanors.. If the House says orange hair is impeachable, it is not, Sonhouse. It would not meet any of the above-named standards. You are wrong.
easy, now, dont let anger and hatred guide your missives.
Why was Bill Clinton impeached ??
Just to get some perspective on the current proceedings.
Thanking you in advance for your response. 🙂
@mghrn55 saidPerjury, man. Jesus. Perjury is a felony. It is a crime. And to answer your question as it applies in Clinton case, a HIGH crime. People go to prison for years for this crime. You are slipping about as bad as Sonhouse and Marauder.
Just to refresh my memory........
Why was Bill Clinton impeached ??
Just to get some perspective on the current proceedings.
Thanking you in advance for your response. 🙂
Crime. Last I looked , none have been discovered in this case. And that is after FIVE investigations, and losing on all fronts. And on all charges!! Is there a dancing Russia emoji I can insert here?? 😆 😆
Now you answer a question. They lost on all fronts. THEN this phone call is made, AFTER all that,, and the Dems seized upon it! We Got Him!! Brand new charge. My question...Had he not made that call, would this thing have ever even gotten to the Senate??
I cant WAIT to turn on RHP the morning after the election!!! First thing I will see will be that Maxine Waters creature..." 'Peach 45!! 'Peach 45!!!! " And trust me, I will be watching CNN and MSNBC.
@averagejoe1 saidWatching through the tears!
I cant WAIT to turn on RHP the morning after the election!!! And trust me, I will be watching CNN and MSNBC.
@averagejoe1 saidLet's clear up the perjury on Clinton's impeachment first.
Perjury, man. Jesus. Perjury is a felony. It is a crime. And to answer your question as it applies in Clinton case, a HIGH crime. People go to prison for years for this crime. You are slipping about as bad as Sonhouse and Marauder.
Crime. Last I looked , none have been discovered in this case. And that is after FIVE investigations, and losing on all fronts. ...[text shortened]... aters creature..." 'Peach 45!! 'Peach 45!!!! " And trust me, I will be watching CNN and MSNBC.
On what question did Clinton perjure himself ?