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Trump lies & nobody calls him on it

Trump lies & nobody calls him on it



Don't attack the source. Video of the Trump interview is in the link. I know Alex Jones is a lying idiot, but that is irrelevant with video proof.

Trump said this:

“When I say this, our country’s in trouble. Something has to happen and if it doesn’t happen and if we don’t have smart leadership you’re going to end up with no world. The world is going to be blown to pieces. We have stupid people now running our country. The world is going to be blown to pieces,” Trump told Morgan.

Trump added that incompetent leadership could lead to nuclear war with Russia.

“If these people are not smart – and they’re not, our leaders are not smart – if they’re not smart, you’re going to end up in a nuclear war. This is just the beginning and I’ve been the best predictor of things ever,” he said.

Who prepared Biden for a nuclear war? Trump. He expanded our nuclear arsenal. Hypocrite!


"Trump continued to assail the Biden administration over the bungled Afghanistan withdrawal which left many US citizens stranded in the country after the US military withdrew its forces."
You mean the Afghanistan withdrawal that Trump brokered with the Taliban? Does he think we are all stupid?

Don't vote for Trump. He is insulting your intelligence.

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@metal-brain said
Don't attack the source. Video of the Trump interview is in the link. I know Alex Jones is a lying idiot, but that is irrelevant with video proof.

Trump said this:

“When I say this, our country’s in trouble. Something has to happen and if it doesn’t happen and if we don’t have smart leadership you’re going to end up with no world. The world is going to be blown to p ...[text shortened]... aliban? Does he think we are all stupid?

Don't vote for Trump. He is insulting your intelligence.
I can't believe it, I agree with you.
We're taking about Trump's mendacity
constantly,I think he's a pathological liar.


@jimm619 said
I can't believe it, I agree with you.
We're taking about Trump's mendacity
constantly,I think he's a pathological liar.
TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP TRUMP TRUMP . Have you fellers any idea of what is going on in the USA? Not to pat my back, but the Biden grand jury has really picked up in the last week. Y'all, most likely Vivify, probably don't know about it.
Do you even know there is a convened grand jury? No, I guess not. Do you know what is happening in the border area ?? Border officials arrest convicted criminals, the works. Jesus. But Trump?!?
You libs have no credibility, yet in another thread you demean me for alerting you all to this stuff? Confusion among the libs. It is just warming up. Demean at your pleasure, just get my name right.

FOX is a good source. Do y'all have any recommendations for the best news source of what is going on in the USA?


@jimm619 said
I can't believe it, I agree with you.
We're taking about Trump's mendacity
constantly,I think he's a pathological liar.
I've already posted that it was Trump who downsized the troop presence in Afghanistan to 2500.
In Dec 2020, about a month after he lost the election.
At the time I said that this amounted to foreign policy sabotage.
He should have left that ball to the incoming administration. Or at the very minimum coordinated with Biden.

For those who stated that Trump was still doing his job, maybe the COVID vaccine rollout might have been a good choice.

Trump threw Biden under the bus on Afghanistan.


@averagejoe1 said
TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP TRUMP TRUMP . Have you fellers any idea of what is going on in the USA? Not to pat my back, but the Biden grand jury has really picked up in the last week. Y'all, most likely Vivify, probably don't know about it.
Do you even know there is a convened grand jury? No, I guess not. Do you know what is happening in the border area ?? Border o ...[text shortened]... source. Do y'all have any recommendations for the best news source of what is going on in the USA?
If he stays off the media, then we'll stop talking about him.

He doesn't say anything worthwhile pertaining to the current world crisis.

3 edits

@averagejoe1 said
TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP TRUMP TRUMP . Have you fellers any idea of what is going on in the USA? Not to pat my back, but the Biden grand jury has really picked up in the last week. Y'all, most likely Vivify, probably don't know about it.
Do you even know there is a convened grand jury? No, I guess not. Do you know what is happening in the border area ?? Border o ...[text shortened]... source. Do y'all have any recommendations for the best news source of what is going on in the USA?
Do y'all have any recommendations for the best news source of what is going on in the USA?

Yes, but you have to be literate to understand it. 😏


@averagejoe1 said
TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP TRUMP TRUMP . Have you fellers any idea of what is going on in the USA? Not to pat my back, but the Biden grand jury has really picked up in the last week. Y'all, most likely Vivify, probably don't know about it.
Do you even know there is a convened grand jury? No, I guess not. Do you know what is happening in the border area ?? Border o ...[text shortened]... source. Do y'all have any recommendations for the best news source of what is going on in the USA?

3 edits

@averagejoe1 said
TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP TRUMP TRUMP . Have you fellers any idea of what is going on in the USA? Not to pat my back, but the Biden grand jury has really picked up in the last week. Y'all, most likely Vivify, probably don't know about it.
Do you even know there is a convened grand jury? No, I guess not. Do you know what is happening in the border area ?? Border o ...[text shortened]... source. Do y'all have any recommendations for the best news source of what is going on in the USA?
Yeah, but this thread concerns TRUMP
''...You libs have no credibility, yet in another thread you demean me for alerting you all to this stuff? Confusion among the libs......''
.............Never heard Metal Brain called liberal before.


Finally an actual attack on Trump by MB. I agree totally. He is a sociopathic narcisstic with zero empathy and will throw ANYONE under the bus he used to call friends.
Look at Pence for instance, as soon as Pence refused to decertify the election he was on Trump's shyte list.

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So you are desperately trying the "Trump is no longer influential'' line.
We KNOW he is the defacto leader of the republican party and YOU know that full well but want to try to cover that up so his influence would sneak up on us unaware.
Hint: We are AWARE. Trump is dangerous to our democracy but you are unable or unwilling to admit that. If Trump wins the recriminations will begin the next day.
He is vengeful and will attack ALL he perceives as enemy.
Any state run by democrats will feel his rage.
And rage is what it is.
Trump knew EXACTLY what was going on BEFORE Jan 6 and was told the idea of the coup was illegal but he didn't care.
I can only assume therefore that YOU approve and condone Trumps actions in the coup attempt. It was only Pence saving us from a real constitutional crisis so Trump is trying again and maybe he will succeed next time and I think you right now totally approve but you won't like it when the purges begin like what happened to Lt. Col. Vindman, that will happen by the THOUSANDS if Trump pulls off his NEXT coup.


@averagejoe1 said
TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP TRUMP TRUMP . Have you fellers any idea of what is going on in the USA?
Yes - among other attacks on civil liberties by retrograde Republican busy-bodies, a constant attack by Trump's allies on voting rights and the democratic process.

Why, you think we hadn't noticed your party's shenanigans?


@averagejoe1 said
TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP TRUMP TRUMP . Have you fellers any idea of what is going on in the USA? Not to pat my back, but the Biden grand jury has really picked up in the last week. Y'all, most likely Vivify, probably don't know about it.
Do you even know there is a convened grand jury? No, I guess not. Do you know what is happening in the border area ?? Border o ...[text shortened]... source. Do y'all have any recommendations for the best news source of what is going on in the USA?
Most factual, least biased


"Trump lies & nobody calls him on it" --MB

GFY. People call Trump out on lies all time and you're often one of his defenders.


@sonhouse said
So you are desperately trying the "Trump is no longer influential'' line.
We KNOW he is the defacto leader of the republican party and YOU know that full well but want to try to cover that up so his influence would sneak up on us unaware.
Hint: We are AWARE. Trump is dangerous to our democracy but you are unable or unwilling to admit that. If Trump wins the r ...[text shortened]... at happened to Lt. Col. Vindman, that will happen by the THOUSANDS if Trump pulls off his NEXT coup.
TRUMP is your 'de facto,' leader
You say that as if you were proud of it.

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Not good enough. Trump has to be thoroughly shamed so badly even his base dumps him. Even that is not good enough though, his zombies are actively involved in the NEXT coup and that is a FACT.

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