20 Jan 22
@contenchess saidNo, I'd rather not get either both my lungs or both my kidneys knifed out of me, thank you very much.
20 Jan 22
@shallow-blue saidOh Richard 🙄
No, I'd rather not get either both my lungs or both my kidneys knifed out of me, thank you very much.
So melodramatic.
@contenchess saidTrump will be elected president in 2024, by then the democrat party will be severely neutered and the country can start a full recovery.
20 Jan 22
Works for me. I assume for you, voter rights are WAY down the list of things to do to help common folk.
You can thank your political gods Manchin and his gf are repubs in disguise.
Voter rights should be everybody getting photo voter I.D. with a thumb print and that card can be scanned prior to voting.
(Citizens only, no ex cons or criminals)
That way you only get one vote.
You scan your card and then you scan your thumb. If everything matches up you then vote.
Voting should also be for one month so no excuses and no mail in votes.
@contenchess saidThen it would be harder to vote than to buy a gun. Seems backward.
Voter rights should be everybody getting photo voter I.D. with a thumb print and that card can be scanned prior to voting.
(Citizens only, no ex cons or criminals)
That way you only get one vote.
You scan your card and then you scan your thumb. If everything matches up you then vote.
Voting should also be for one month so no excuses and no mail in votes.
20 Jan 22
@vivify saidA gun can and will always be easy to obtain by illegal means if necessary.
Then it would be harder to vote than to buy a gun. Seems backward.
Society cannot control that.
Increasing gun laws may limit psychos from buying one quickly but it doesn't stop the criminals from having them.
An example being Chicago.
We are talking about voting...not your "peeps" and their gun culture 🙄
20 Jan 22
@contenchess saidGun salesmen make too much money arming Mexican cartels who pay with drug money. There's no money in voting.
A gun can and will always be easy to obtain by illegal means if necessary.
Society cannot control that.
Increasing gun laws may limit psychos from buying one quickly but it doesn't stop the criminals from having them.
An example being Chicago.
We are talking about voting...not your "peeps" and their gun culture 🙄
20 Jan 22
@athousandyoung saidSounds like a problem with your "peeps" whetto 😉
Gun salesmen make too much money arming Mexican cartels who pay with drug money. There's no money in voting.