I totally agree.
Biden is about as inspiring as a sock I’ve worn for, I dunno know, maybe a week too long (lockdown clothing).
They should have gone with Bernie.
Yeah, he’d turn some supporters away, but his flair would have made up for it.
They need a younger generation to head them. Maybe a stand-up comedian. Someone who’s seriously witty and can slap down BS from a mile away.
@shavixmir saidI’ve been tell you lefties for months that the DNC is spent force with little or no cohesive messaging other than idealistic rants against injustice and Trump. But you just hurl abuse at me.
I totally agree.
Biden is about as inspiring as a sock I’ve worn for, I dunno know, maybe a week too long (lockdown clothing).
They should have gone with Bernie.
Yeah, he’d turn some supporters away, but his flair would have made up for it.
They need a younger generation to head them. Maybe a stand-up comedian. Someone who’s seriously witty and can slap down BS from a mile away.
Biden is the political equivalent of a lockdown, he will simply delay the inevitable Red onslaught as the Republicans regroup behind a more moderate less loony less thick-as-s*** less orange candidate. They now know want most/majority of America wants and the DNC is living with its head up it’s ass, just like Labour does in the UK.
Bitching, moaning, marching, mocking, streaming tears of outrage, don’t win elections; clear believable economic strategy does.
If the people on this forum are anything to go by, I'm constantly amused that everyone, and I do mean everyone, seems to believe that their own vision of 'proper' government is what everyone else should want as well, even if they don't know it yet, and they just need to be shown the error of their ways. Those on the right come up with the most outrageous BS, and they think the world would be some marvelous utopia if only the entire world saw it their way, and since they don't they must be headed towards the dustbin of history. Those on the left have a similar problem, only with the added 'feature' of chutzpah added in, thinking themselves the leftest of the left and anyone not as left as them must be simple caricatures who don't realize they're really conservatives who are also headed to the dustbin of history.
Politics seems almost like religion, in that no one is going to be bringing anyone else onboard their particular vision of Paradise.
@divegeester saidIt's true that the Democratic Party these days is a mess. But it's also true that the Republican dominance of American politics during the 21st century is an artefact created by quirks of the American political system. Bear in mind that the Republicans have only actually topped a presidential poll in terms of absolute numbers once since 1988! And that was in the very specific post-9/11 context, when patriotism was practically bound to favour the incumbent; if Gore had won in 2000, he'd surely have won in 2004 too.
I’ve been tell you lefties for months that the DNC is spent force with little or no cohesive messaging other than idealistic rants against injustice and Trump. But you just hurl abuse at me.
Biden is the political equivalent of a lockdown, he will simply delay the inevitable Red onslaught as the Republicans regroup behind a more moderate less loony less thick-as-s*** ...[text shortened]... y of America wants and the DNC is living with its head up it’s ass, just like Labour does in the UK.
Of course, the Republicans are good at playing the system. But we should be careful about assuming that their policies are "what most/majority of America wants", when their consistent minority vote merely translates, by a quirk of the system, into frequent majorities in the Senate and electoral college. It's more than thirty years since a majority of American voters consistently seemed to want Republican policies.
@suzianne saidCompletely agree with you.
Politics seems almost like religion, in that no one is going to be bringing anyone else onboard their particular vision of Paradise.
It’s about managing the compromise. But no one wants to compromise.