27 Jun 23
@mott-the-hoople saidY'all are the ones buying hats, truck decals, flags, attending rallies, and bestowing fake accolades on this dude, and you think the libs are obsessed. Jeez.
watch these libs explain this away…
27 Jun 23
@wildgrass saidwe dont like slave owners
Y'all are the ones buying hats, truck decals, flags, attending rallies, and bestowing fake accolades on this dude, and you think the libs are obsessed. Jeez.
@mott-the-hoople saidYou don't like Americans much, either.
we dont like slave owners
Trump's ancestors emigrated to the US after the Civil War. Durrr. And NONE of Trump's grandparents were born in America.
@earl-of-trumps saidHe's the freaking poster boy for white privilege.
You're just jealous because Trump did it without white privilege
truth hurts. 😳
He was a millionaire by age 8. He's been privileged his entire life.