From today, visitors to the United Kingdom requiring a visa must have their fingerprints taken.
Nearly five hundred cases of identity swapping have been detected so far and the scheme is now fully operational three months earlier than expected. The Government exceeded its target for deporting foreign national prisoners at the end of their sentence, with more than four thousand removed last year.
Should Biometric Visas be standard everywhere?
Britain leads the way in the technology and already has the biggest DNA database in the world.
There are four million samples stored - more than five per cent of the population - and new profiles are being added at a rate of one
every 45 seconds.
This rate could increase next year when ministers are expected to confirm plans to allow anybody stopped by the police, including speeding motorists, litterbugs and people who do not wear a seatbelt, to have their DNA taken on the street.
Samples stay on the database even if a person - adult or child - is proved to be innocent or no further action is taken.
Getting off the UK DNA database: ACPO explains how