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UN: Dire Warning on Climate Change

UN: Dire Warning on Climate Change


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The U.N. Issues a Final Warning on the Climate—and a Plan

According to the I.P.C.C., average global temperatures have already increased 1.1 degrees Celsius—two degrees Fahrenheit—from the late nineteenth century, and this is causing “widespread adverse impacts” for people and for other living things.

“Impacts on some ecosystems are approaching irreversibility,” the report states. For every additional increment of warming, the chances of catastrophe will only increase, and the options for adaptation will contract.

Climate-related and climate-unrelated disasters will begin to interact, resulting in risks that cascade “across sectors and regions.” And those who are likely to suffer the most are those who have done the least to cause the problem.

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How Climate Change affects health:

How Climate Change affects pregnancy:



We've been hearing this from the70's and as each point of no return comes and goes a new one pops up just over the horizon.

So the temp has gone up 1.1 degrees C. What would it be if no human had every lived?

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@wajoma said

We've been hearing this from the70's and as each point of no return comes and goes a new one pops up just over the horizon.

So the temp has gone up 1.1 degrees C. What would it be if no human had every lived?
Last summer saw record-breaking heatwaves all across North America and Europe; this is addition to record-breaking forest fires, flooding and tornados. All of them caused massive damage, and most importantly, loss of lives.

Those disasters you were warned of since the 70s have started happening.


@vivify said
Last summer saw record-breaking heatwaves all across North America and Europe; this is addition to record-breaking forest fires, flooding and tornados. All of them caused massive damage, and most importantly, loss of lives.

Those warnings you've heard since the 70s have started happening.
wooo woo keep it up you're making us very scared wooo hahhahahaha


@wajoma said
wooo woo keep it up you're making us very scared wooo hahhahahaha

Climate change likely to hit red states hardest

The one silver lining.


@vivify said
Last summer saw record-breaking heatwaves all across North America and Europe; this is addition to record-breaking forest fires, flooding and tornados. All of them caused massive damage, and most importantly, loss of lives.

Those warnings you've heard since the 70s have started happening.
Deaths from weather events have plummeted in those 200 years, the only people severely effected are those living at or near CO2 zero.

vivify in a panic said:

"Those warnings you've heard since the 70s have started happening."

James Anderson, Harvard Professor 15/01/18

"The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essentially zero."

Oh yes I'm going to have some fun with vivify's catastrophic "warnings you've heard since the 70s have started happening.".


@wajoma said
Deaths from weather events have plummeted in those 200 years, the only people severely effected are those living at or near CO2 zero.

vivify in a panic said:

"Those warnings you've heard since the 70s have started happening."

James Anderson, Harvard Professor 15/01/18

[b]"The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essent ...[text shortened]... fun with vivify's catastrophic "warnings you've heard since the 70s have started happening.".
Just last year was massive record-breaking damage, loss of homes and death from the sharp rise in natural disasters caused by climate change.

And your point is what? That one guy was wrong?


@vivify said

Those disasters you were warned of since the 70s have started happening.
Let's start way back in 1970 and work our way forward with the catastrophic points of no return.

"Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind."
George Wald, Harvard biologist, 1970


@vivify said
Just last year was massive record-breaking damage, loss of homes and death from the sharp rise in natural disasters caused by climate change.

And your point is what? That one guy was wrong?
Oh many, many more than one guy. Still in 1970:

"By the year 2000... the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine."
Peter Gunter, North Texas State University professor, 1970

You do realise the cold kills more people than the heat, you at least know this right?


@vivify said

Those disasters you were warned of since the 70s have started happening.
"Air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century."
- The Boston Globe, 1970

Let me know when you want to jump forward to 1980 for the catastrophic point of no return warnings.


@wajoma said
Oh many, many more than one guy.
And yet once again you quote...one guy.

Record-breaking heatwaves killed many Americans last year:


Thread 194549

And many more examples in the above thread showing devastating effects of climate change throughout the world that resulted in high death tolls.

Let's ignore that to focus on your one quote, right?


@vivify said
And yet once again you quote...one guy.
Hmm, can't count vivify?

I'm up to number 4 and we're still in 1970.

"It is already too late to avoid mass starvation."
- First Earth Day organizer Denis Hayes, 1970


@vivify said
Those disasters you were warned of since the 70s have started happening.
Jumping forward to 2008, although I have no doubt there are more point of no return catastrophic warning shreikings to be mined from the 70's

NASA Scientist James Hansen 24/06/2008

"We see a tipping point occurring right before out eyes. The Arctic is the first tipping point and it's occurring exactly the way we said it would." Hansen, echoing work by other scientists, said that in five to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer.


Thousands are dead from climate-change disasters. And this is all you got.

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