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UN: Rich must not cut aid to poor to balance budget

UN: Rich must not cut aid to poor to balance budget


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UNITED NATIONS, Sept 20 (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pressed debt-ridden donor countries on Monday not to cut aid to the poor despite their budgetary woes.

"We should not balance budgets on the backs of the poor," Ban told 140 leaders at the start of a three-day summit to review progress in meeting U.N. poverty goals by 2015.

We are not only supposed to have a Nanny State for a country, but we are to play Nanny State to the world?

Seems to me that we are looking at little more than world wide communism.


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The amount of money that developed country governments give to developing countries in aid is miniscule in terms of GDP or government expenditure. I suppose what the U.N. Secretary-General is actually getting at - but doesn't feel able to say too rawly - is that developed nations shouldn't placcate the most sneering ignorant smallminded conspiracy-paranoia-misanthropy-vortex elements among their own citizenries who would be gratified to see these funds - which are going towards relieving grinding poverty amongst fellow human beings overseas - reduced or stopped altogether, while in actual fact the amount 'saved' would be a mere tiny drop in the bucket in terms of domestic austerity measures and deficit-busting.

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They have no right to it. The UN has no right to claim money that is given to them as charity. Once it becomes an obligation instead of a gift, then UN becomes a world govenment.

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Originally posted by Eladar
They have no right to it. The UN has no right to claim money that is given to them as charity. Once it becomes an obligation instead of a gift, then UN becomes a world govenment.
You mean the U.N. Secretary-General has "no right" to appeal to relatively rich donor countries to not cut aid to the poor - as they might - in these times of budgetary problems?

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Originally posted by FMF
You mean the U.N. Secretary-General has "no right" to appeal to relatively rich donor countries to not cut aid to the poor - as they might - in these times of budgetary problems?
He has the right to ask. Every nation has the right to say no, as long as France and Spain don't get their way. Try reading the link.

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Originally posted by Eladar
He has the right to ask. Every nation has the right to say no, as long as France and Spain don't get their way.
The U.S. can always leave the U.N. if it considers concerted aid to the poor amounting to tiny amounts of GDP to be 'world communism' or the U.N. to be a 'world government' or poverty alleviation to be a 'Nanny State'.

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Why would the US have to leave? All we have to do is say no. What's the UN going to do?

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Originally posted by Eladar
Why would the US have to leave? All we have to do is say no. What's the UN going to do?
Exactly. By jove, he's got it!

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Originally posted by FMF
Exactly. By jove, he's got it!
Oh course, but you never know what Obama will do. That's why I started the thread so that more Americans can know what is going on. Very few Americans want to go down that road and if we know about it, then it won't happen.

Just like this election will go Republican because we know what Obama and his group is all about.

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Originally posted by Eladar
That's why I started the thread so that more Americans can know what is going on. Very few Americans want to go down that road and if we know about it, then it won't happen.
Yes but Eladar, this is an international web site. French and Spanish people might read your posts and then know what you're doing and they might step up their efforts take the U.S.'s money against its wishes anyway and spread their communism to America.

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Originally posted by FMF
Yes but Eladar, this is an international web site. French and Spanish people might read your posts and then know what you're doing and they might step up their efforts take the U.S.'s money against its wishes anyway and spread their communism to America.
D'oh! He's got ya there! Shhhh.

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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
D'oh! He's got ya there! Shhhh.
Yes he certainly does!

It isn't the Spanish and French I'm concerned about, it is the lefties here in the US that I'm concerned about. The lefties of Europe will destroy themselves. It is the lefties in the US that will destroy the US.

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Originally posted by Eladar
They have no right to it. The UN has no right to claim money that is given to them as charity. Once it becomes an obligation instead of a gift, then UN becomes a world govenment.
The membership 'costs' to the UN can never be considered charity, charity can only ever be voluntary. So while the bureaurats may decide how much (if any) goes where, that can never be called charity.

I like P J O'Rourkes quote: (from memory)

"Foriegn aid is; poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries."

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Originally posted by Wajoma
I like P J O'Rourkes quote: (from memory)

"Foriegn aid is; poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries."
There is a lot of truth in this.

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Originally posted by Eladar
The lefties of Europe will destroy themselves. It is the lefties in the US that will destroy the US.
How is the continuing donation of relatively miniscule amounts of aid to developing countries going to "destroy" Europe?

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