23 Dec 17
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleMore conservative fantasies.
What a nice Christmas present to go along with the raises and bonuses folks are getting because of Trumps new tax plan,
Don't forget, Meuller was in on this Uranium one too...
"Raises and bonuses"??
Are you high?
Originally posted by @suziannedon't use drugs or alcohol ...thx anyway
More conservative fantasies.
"Raises and bonuses"??
Are you high?
"AT&T wasn't the only company to waste no time in reacting to the bill. Fifth Third said it would raise its minimum hourly wage to $15 for all employees and hand out $1,000 bonuses to more than 13,500 employees as a result of the new law. Wells Fargo is also raising its minimum wage to $15 an hour. Comcast is giving $1,000 bonuses to more than 100,000 employees and plans to spend over $50 billion in the next five years investing in infrastructure. Boeing announced it would move forward with $300 million in charitable giving and investments for its employees."
23 Dec 17
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleLet's see if they actually do it.
don't use drugs or alcohol ...thx anyway
"AT&T wasn't the only company to waste no time in reacting to the bill. Fifth Third said it would raise its minimum hourly wage to $15 for all employees and hand out $1,000 bonuses to more than 13,500 employees as a result of the new law. Wells Fargo is also raising its minimum wage to $15 an hour. Comcast ...[text shortened]... .com/sites/laurengensler/2017/12/20/att-gives-1000-bonuses-us-employees-tax-reform/#77dce4187d61
AT&T laid off 600 people. You'd think if they could afford to hand out 200 million dollars in bonuses, they wouldn't need to kill of hundreds of jobs.
AT&T seems to be sucking up to Trump, since he said AT&T's acquisition of Time Warner would "not be approved" under his administration. Considering the acquisition is worth 85 billion, 200 mil is nothing for AT&T to use for buttering up Trump. In fact, Comcast was already planning to give bonuses in response to the end of net neutrality:
As ISP companies, AT&T and Comcast are in position to rake in far more money from customers, because net neutrality was killed. Comcast refused to deny it would take advantage of internet throttling, now that net neutrality's dead. So clearly, these raises are just smoke and mirrors to distract from how they will be screwing customers and profiting through unfair policies.
23 Dec 17
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleNothing about Hilary in the link, which Republicans have claimed was responsible for the deal. So as an attack on liberals (which is your reason for this thread), it fails.
What a nice Christmas present to go along with the raises and bonuses folks are getting because of Trumps new tax plan,
Don't forget, Meuller was in on this Uranium one too...
23 Dec 17
Originally posted by @vivify"AT&T laid off 600 people. You'd think if they could afford to hand out 200 million dollars in bonuses, they wouldn't need to kill of hundreds of jobs."
Let's see if they actually do it.
AT&T laid off 600 people. You'd think if they could afford to hand out 200 million dollars in bonuses, they wouldn't need to kill of hundreds of jobs.
AT&T seems to be sucking up to Trump, since he said AT&T's acquisition of Time Warn ...[text shortened]... rors to distract from how they will be screwing customers and profiting through unfair policies.
The part VIVIFY didnt want you to see...
“Many of the affected employees have a job offer guarantee that ensures they’ll be offered another job with the company, and we’ll work to find other jobs for as many of them as possible.”
The verge is owned by VOX media...a leftwing rag...
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleShiny object alert: The closer Robert Mueller gets to the White House, the more deflection the GOP puts up. Who's next? The men's room attendant?? Now that Robert Mueller has all the offshore banking and financial records, It's time for he took a long, hard, look at those tax returns Trump is trying so very hard to hide!!
What a nice Christmas present to go along with the raises and bonuses folks are getting because of Trumps new tax plan,
Don't forget, Meuller was in on this Uranium one too...
Hey Mott and Whodey! You Yo - Yo's didn't have a problem with our system when special counsel Ken Starr went after Bill and Hillary like a pack of jackals, on Whitewater and came back with the Monica Lewinsky scandal which got Bill Clinton impeached, now that Muller is closing in on Trump, you cry like little girls. What a pair of hypocritical cowards! 😲
24 Dec 17
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleThe part you CAN'T see: everything Mott just quoted, because none of it is in his link.
"AT&T laid off 600 people. You'd think if they could afford to hand out 200 million dollars in bonuses, they wouldn't need to kill of hundreds of jobs."
The part VIVIFY didnt want you to see...
“Many of the affected employees have a job offer guarantee that ensures they’ll be offered another job with the company, and we’ll work to find oth ...[text shortened]... verge is owned by VOX media...a leftwing rag...
How many times have you been called out for posting links that have nothing to do with what you claim? Your debate tactics seem to hinge on posters just taking your word that a link says what you claim it does.
Originally posted by @mchillMeuller closing in on Trump? How long are they going to keep you hanging on with their BS? So far Meuller has only uncovered wrongdoings by others, mainly democrats in the FBI...McCabe is the latest.
Shiny object alert: The closer Robert Mueller gets to the White House, the more deflection the GOP puts up. Who's next? The men's room attendant?? Now that Robert Mueller has all the offshore banking and financial records, It's time for he took a long, hard, look at those tax returns Trump is trying so very hard to hide!!
Hey Mott and Whodey! You Yo - Y ...[text shortened]... ller is closing in on Trump, you cry like little girls. What a pair of hypocritical cowards! 😲
Originally posted by @vivifyThe article is about NEW REVALATIONS. It is well known fact what parts Clinton played.
Nothing about Hilary in the link, which Republicans have claimed was responsible for the deal. So as an attack on liberals (which is your reason for this thread), it fails.
The below fact should concern you, not only exporting uranium but WAPO throwing cover.
"News organizations, including The Washington Post, continue to report none of Uranium One's product left the U.S. after Russia took control. In fact, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approved an export license for a third-party trucking firm to export Uranium One ore to Canada for enrichment, and that some of that uranium ended up in Europe, NRC memos show. Uranium One itself admits that as much as 25 percent of the uranium it exported to Canada ended up with European or Asian clients through what is know in the industry as "book transfers.""
Your problem vivify is you become emotionally attached politicians and treat them as if they were your child or parent, defending them no matter what they do.
24 Dec 17
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleNothing...in...your...link....says that. Nothing about uranium...nothing.
The article is about NEW REVALATIONS. It is well known fact what parts Clinton played.
The below fact should concern you, not only exporting uranium but WAPO throwing cover.
"News organizations, including The Washington Post, continue to report none of Uranium One's product left the U.S. after Russia took control. In fact, the Nuclear Regulatory ...[text shortened]... ians and treat them as if they were your child or parent, defending them no matter what they do.
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleYou said in your OP that Mueller was involved in the Uranium deal; a few posts later, you said claimed it's "well known" what Hilary's involvement was; NONE of those assertions are supported by any links you've posted in this thread.
well here is the link...READ IT!
25 Dec 17
Originally posted by @vivifyare you so dumb that you don't know the parts H Clinton and Meuller played in the uranium one deal?
You said in your OP that Mueller was involved in the Uranium deal; a few posts later, you said claimed it's "well known" what Hilary's involvement was; NONE of those assertions are supported by any links you've posted in this thread.
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleTry watching real news instead of Fox News pablum.
are you so dumb that you don't know the parts H Clinton and Meuller played in the uranium one deal?