30 Aug 19
@wolfgang59 saidDo you believe bank robbery should be legal? The punishment is based on the lives you put in danger not the amount you take.
The inhumanity of such sentences is reminiscent of 18th Century England.
@wolfgang59 saidIn Ca. 3 strikes law you can/or could have got life for shoplifting a grape from a grocery store. But if you steal millions and have money you get a slap on the wrist. http://www.prisonabolition.org/what-is-the-prison-industrial-complex/
The inhumanity of such sentences is reminiscent of 18th Century England.
@kquinn909 saidWell, blame yourselves. Republicans see nothing wrong with prostituting themselves and privatizing prisons.
In Ca. 3 strikes law you can/or could have got life for shoplifting a grape from a grocery store. But if you steal millions and have money you get a slap on the wrist. http://www.prisonabolition.org/what-is-the-prison-industrial-complex/
Lobby to get building and running prisons privatized to the lowest bidder -> give out kickbacks to the politicians who made it possible -> build prison -> staff it with neo-nazis and other wanna-be cops, who can't get a job anywhere else (minimum wage, of course) -> get politicians to make laws requiring prison for minor offenses like cannabis possession -> give out kickbacks to the politicians who made it possible -> Profit!