16 Dec 22
My sister took the Pfizer gene vaccine and has Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation. It is very unlikely that is a coincidence. mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This is an autoimmune attack.
@metal-brain saidYour relatives seem to be having a lot of trouble with the vaccine.
My sister took the Pfizer gene vaccine and has Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation. It is very unlikely that is a coincidence. mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This is an autoimmune attack.
So you feel safer dying from covid than fibs on the heart. Maybe you will get your wish.
16 Dec 22
@sonhouse saidI had covid and recovered fine. Would you rather have a heart condition? The risk of dying from covid is low.
So you feel safer dying from covid than fibs on the heart. Maybe you will get your wish.
@metal-brain saidLike a kid with a BB Gun, you searched for a target, you found a target... and then found that you didn't have the firepower to knock a hole in it. So you shot out the nearest window you could find.
My sister took the Pfizer gene vaccine and has Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation. It is very unlikely that is a coincidence. mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This is an autoimmune attack.
Dude, I don't know what you've wrought from that infantile training of yours, but it's certainly not related to cardiac pathology.
Go buy a bigger gun.
Come back and speak with some knowledge and credibility. Then we'll administer a proper peer review.
You are clearly not a medical professional. And that stay at Holiday Inn Express doesn't count either.
17 Dec 22
@metal-brain saidYou didn’t show anything.
Although it is possible that it is a coincidence it is unlikely. The gene vaccines are a known cause as I have shown. Did you read the peer reviewed article?
@metal-brain saidCovid 19 is known, in rare cases, to cause Atrial Fibrillation.
My sister took the Pfizer gene vaccine and has Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation. It is very unlikely that is a coincidence. mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This is an autoimmune attack.
And the studies into the vaccine seem to show that the vaccines have a very small chance of doing the same.
It’s difficult to prove a direct link, especially when Atrial Fibrillation cases are rising globally anyway.
Ergo: the chances of the vaccine causing the problem are lower than the chances of Covid 19 causing the problem. And if you get it, there’s a good chance you were going to get it anyway.
For example: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/arrhythmia-and-covid-vaccine#vaccine-and-the-heart
@shavixmir saidYou had a go shag doody, but then you went and did this:
Ergo: the chances of the vaccine causing the problem are lower than the chances of Covid 19 causing the problem. And if you get it, there’s a good chance you were going to get it anyway.
shag doody for brains:
"...And if you get it, there’s a good chance you were going to get it anyway."
a.k.a. having your cake and eating it with a little shooting yourself in the foot thrown in for good measure.
17 Dec 22
@sonhouse saidAnything that carries risk, whether mild or potentially fatal as we've seen with the seizure syrup a point that no one disputes, you have no right forcing on others.
Does that kill? or does it pass in a month or so?
17 Dec 22
@wajoma saidThat you don’t comprehend is obvious.
You had a go shag doody, but then you went and did this:
shag doody for brains:
"...And if you get it, there’s a good chance you were going to get it anyway."
a.k.a. having your cake and eating it with a little shooting yourself in the foot thrown in for good measure.