I've decided to vote for the Nordic god Odin for president. Why? The way I see it, the left over the years has promised to erradicate poverty and the right has vowed to decrease the size of governemnt and both are both have failed miserably and are headed in the wrong direction. However, the Nordic god Odin once vowed to erradicate ice giants........there are no more ice giants. 😀
Originally posted by whodeyWrong!
I've decided to vote for the Nordic god Odin for president. Why? The way I see it, the left over the years has promised to erradicate poverty and the right has vowed to decrease the size of governemnt and both are both have failed miserably and are headed in the wrong direction. However, the Nordic god Odin once vowed to erradicate ice giants........there are no more ice giants. 😀
Originally posted by rwingettAnd you trust that source? Pfft.
http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&safe=off&biw=1421&bih=911&tbm=isch&tbnid=jX7PD6OXv1NftM:&imgrefurl=http://vi.sualize.us/giant_ice_sculpture_of_prime_cool_art_transformer_optimusprime_picture_inCV.html&docid=xOqojiHNF_FbWM&imgurl=http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com/thumbs/d9/5c/art,awesome,cool,optimusprime,sculpture,transformer-d95c4e83a91539d ...[text shortened]... =155&sig=114888515513711382982&page=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=95&start=0&ndsp=35&ved=1t:429,r:24,s:0,i:149
The only news source that seems to be half way objective is the Nordic Daily.
Originally posted by PsychoPawnYes, I have to say that does not appear to be all of the story. Shortly after Odin declared his candicacy more dirt surfaced. Apparently the origins of Odin were based upon the nightmarish horse god Ezmath. Also, his rebuked his son Lori for practicing witchcraft stating that it was "women's work". Clearly the man is bigoted against women and can't seem to hold his tongue. Perhaps he is related to Biden.
Odin lied, giants died.