Originally posted by FreaKinGeniusso let me get this right. you assume that because most people in your school liked kerry, and remember these are people who arn't elegible to vote, that bush got into office in an underhand way? what evidence do you have that the kids parents voted the same way as their children would have done, if they were allowed to vote. And why should such a small cross section of the population reflect the entire nations views. This is all of course, again, compounded by the fact that your evidence is based on CHILDREN who can't vote and probably picked their preffered candidate based on "who's cooler". I doubt 90% of them had any idea of john kerry's if he were to have gotten into office, and I doubt many of them knew wether he was a republican or democrat.
how did bush manage to win the last election? in my whole school, only about five or ten of my friends like bush. the rest all liked kerry, im sure their parents were the same and voted kerry. there is no possible way bush coulda won the last election.
Originally posted by FreaKinGeniusPaging telerion to this thread to teach you the meaning of a biased sample.
how did bush manage to win the last election? in my whole school, only about five or ten of my friends like bush. the rest all liked kerry, im sure their parents were the same and voted kerry. there is no possible way bush coulda won the last election.
Originally posted by FreaKinGeniusI guess you base Kerry should won because most of your school likes kerry? Interesting... in Wyoming here where i live, everyone I know exept 1 voted for Bush
how did bush manage to win the last election? in my whole school, only about five or ten of my friends like bush. the rest all liked kerry, im sure their parents were the same and voted kerry. there is no possible way bush coulda won the last election.
Originally posted by FreaKinGeniusYeah. Too bad they let all those other millions of people vote. They always ruin everything!
how did bush manage to win the last election? in my whole school, only about five or ten of my friends like bush. the rest all liked kerry, im sure their parents were the same and voted kerry. there is no possible way bush coulda won the last election.
Originally posted by Freddie2004ok, but everyone here seems to like kerry. name one person who liked bush.
so let me get this right. you assume that because most people in your school liked kerry, and remember these are people who arn't elegible to vote, that bush got into office in an underhand way? what evidence do you have that the kids parents voted the same way as their children would have done, if they were allowed to vote. And why should such a small ...[text shortened]... o have gotten into office, and I doubt many of them knew wether he was a republican or democrat.
Originally posted by FreaKinGeniusLOL! You are a "FreakinGenius"!
how did bush manage to win the last election? in my whole school, only about five or ten of my friends like bush. the rest all liked kerry, im sure their parents were the same and voted kerry. there is no possible way bush coulda won the last election.
Originally posted by DelmerI knew someone who was going to stand for Libertarians once but he got high and filled out his application wrong.... 😉
Me. But I voted Libertarian.
Hi Del.. just popped into the intellectual forum to say gidday hope you are well and check up on baby TD. ciao for now. Dan
Originally posted by Tirau DanHi, TD. Miss your posts. Love your new bird avatar.
I knew someone who was going to stand for Libertarians once but he got high and filled out his application wrong.... 😉
Hi Del.. just popped into the intellectual forum to say gidday hope you are well and check up on baby TD. ciao for now. Dan
Originally posted by DelmerI would vote libertarian if I knew they even had a chance, but if I vote for libertarians, Id be helping the demracrats. I like the libertarians though, but if I always voted for the perfect person, Id vote for myself, thats why I vote for the guy I like that has a chance to win
Me. But I voted Libertarian.
I'll tell you how GW won the last election. If it wern't for terrorism and the American populace shaking in their boots, I am sure there would have been a different result to the 04 election.
A youth spent in dissolution and failed enterprises. Bush (2000 election) was swept into power by a questionable election. This American nationalism (All these "God Bless America" stickers and the like) was caused, undoubtedly, by 9/11 attacks. Harmful domestic policies. Neglect of the poor. Neglect of the environment. The tight alliance between corporate and governmental power. The immediate rush to militarization. Invasion of a sovereign nation raged in the pretext of "preventative war". What does this sound like? To me, it sounds like the beginnings of Nazi Germany. The 9/11 attacks were the equivalent of the 1933 burning of the Reichstag to incite nationalism. If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention.
Originally posted by socialist1917maybe, but if it was cause they were scared cause of the war, they woudl want another president, they didnt like the way bush started the war.
I'll tell you how GW won the last election. If it wern't for terrorism and the American populace shaking in their boots, I am sure there would have been a different result to the 04 election.
A youth spent in dissolution and failed enterprises. Bush (2000 election) was swept into power by a questionable election. This American nationalism (Al ...[text shortened]... of the Reichstag to incite nationalism. If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention.
Originally posted by FreaKinGeniusWe didn't have much of a choice. We could go with a man .. or we could go for Kerry, a pseudo Euro serial trophy husband who believes in muliti-culturalism and the UN. Kinda gay. We decided we'd settle for the dummy rather than turning our fate over to the French thinking guy.
how did bush manage to win the last election? in my whole school, only about five or ten of my friends like bush. the rest all liked kerry, im sure their parents were the same and voted kerry. there is no possible way bush coulda won the last election.
Originally posted by FreaKinGeniusGeneral Custer Declares Victory!
how did bush manage to win the last election? in my whole school, only about five or ten of my friends like bush. the rest all liked kerry, im sure their parents were the same and voted kerry. there is no possible way bush coulda won the last election.