20 Jun 14
It seems even the folks at Fox News are not buying Dick Cheney's story about those "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, any more than than his story that America would be "greeted as liberators". 10+ years, hundereds of billions of wasted dollars, so many needless deaths, and I still don't see any weapons of mass destruction, and I don't see any Iraq citizens singing God Bless America. Well done Megyn...You go girl!
Let us keep this in mind, next time we go to vote.
Originally posted by bill718I didn't look at the video, but blasting Bush or Chaney over Iraq hardly warrants praise. The whole world looks down on them for that. But now isn't when we need Fox News to stand against Cheney. They should've done so when it mattered, when Bush was in office. Instead, Fox acted like their party could do no wrong, and defended Bush every step of the way. So now, ten years later, when criticizing the war won't affect their party's election chances, they want credit for blasting Cheney?
It seems even the folks at Fox News are not buying Dick Cheney's story about those "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, any more than than his story that America would be "greeted as liberators". 10+ years, hundereds of billions of wasted dollars, so many needless deaths, and I still don't see any weapons of mass destruction, and I don't see any Iraq citiz ...[text shortened]... ttp://news.yahoo.com/megyn-kelly-dick-cheney-iraq-interview-135553569.html?bcmt=comments-postbox
Megyn and the rest of her network can blow me.
Originally posted by bill718Did you actually listen to Cheney's answers, or just Megan's questions? As usual Ms. Kelley is a good journalist, asking tough questions of everyone. You do have to listen to the answers.
It seems even the folks at Fox News are not buying Dick Cheney's story about those "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, any more than than his story that America would be "greeted as liberators". 10+ years, hundereds of billions of wasted dollars, so many needless deaths, and I still don't see any weapons of mass destruction, and I don't see any Iraq citiz ...[text shortened]... ttp://news.yahoo.com/megyn-kelly-dick-cheney-iraq-interview-135553569.html?bcmt=comments-postbox
20 Jun 14
Originally posted by normbenignYeah Norm, I listened closely to Cheney's answers. I was NOT impressed with them...so what's your point?
Did you actually listen to Cheney's answers, or just Megan's questions? As usual Ms. Kelley is a good journalist, asking tough questions of everyone. You do have to listen to the answers.