I am in the top 16.98% richest people in the world by income.
That makes you the 1,018,789,914th richest person on earth by income.
The average Californian:
You’re in the top 0.57% richest people in the world by income.
That makes you the 33,982,065th richest person on earth by income.
Originally posted by RBHILLAnd in other news, the Seattle Seahawks had their victory parade today. Frankly, I never thought I'd live to see it. Well done Seahawks! SF Fourty Whiners, and Denver Donkey's...better luck next time!😀
I am in the top 16.98% richest people in the world by income.
That makes you the 1,018,789,914th richest person on earth by income.
The average Californian:
You’re in the top 0.57% richest people in the world by income.
That makes you the 33,982,065th richest person on earth by income.
Originally posted by RBHILLI did something and got a result I don't quite understand.
I am in the top 16.98% richest people in the world by income.
That makes you the 1,018,789,914th richest person on earth by income.
The average Californian:
You’re in the top 0.57% richest people in the world by income.
That makes you the 33,982,065th richest person on earth by income.
I put in USA, income USD10,000, and came up as top ~16%, ~960,000,000 richest.
Then I put in Mexico, income 132,190 pesos (using Google's equivalence calculator for USD 10,000) and came up as top ~8%, ~459,000,000 richest. (rounded off.)
So do we conclude that it includes a factor for how rich you are for your country's cost of living? Or what?