What has changed with Obamacare?
Was it not the GOP who voted to repeal Obamacare in 2015, only to have Obama veto it? Why can't they repeal it now? Is it because they know that Trump will sign it and the last thing they really wanted?
Also, why are their no Dims defending Obamacare? All we hear is the need for a single payer system. The ink is not even dry on the legislation and now it needs replaced?
I can only draw but one conclusion. Both parties are hell bent on letting the system collapse so that everyone is forced into a single payer system.
We are ruled by a party of one.
18 Jul 17
Originally posted by @whodeyYou know the answer.
What has changed with Obamacare?
Was it not the GOP who voted to repeal Obamacare in 2015, only to have Obama veto it? Why can't they repeal it now? Is it because they know that Trump will sign it and the last thing they really wanted?
Also, why are their no Dims defending Obamacare? All we hear is the need for a single payer system. The ink is not ...[text shortened]... lapse so that everyone is forced into a single payer system.
We are ruled by a party of one.
Most of the people around here are told what to believe, so they probably do not.
18 Jul 17
Originally posted by @whodeyThe GOP would not have voted to repeal Obamacare if they thought the repeal would pass. It was a piece of showmanship designed to impress gullible people like yourself, and it worked. Continue to arrogantly dismiss the experts on every topic and you'll continue to be played like a fiddle, stuffed with propaganda like a foie gras-goose.
What has changed with Obamacare?
Was it not the GOP who voted to repeal Obamacare in 2015, only to have Obama veto it? Why can't they repeal it now? Is it because they know that Trump will sign it and the last thing they really wanted?
Also, why are their no Dims defending Obamacare? All we hear is the need for a single payer system. The ink is not ...[text shortened]... lapse so that everyone is forced into a single payer system.
We are ruled by a party of one.
Originally posted by @whodeymuch dumb
What has changed with Obamacare?
Was it not the GOP who voted to repeal Obamacare in 2015, only to have Obama veto it? Why can't they repeal it now? Is it because they know that Trump will sign it and the last thing they really wanted?
Also, why are their no Dims defending Obamacare? All we hear is the need for a single payer system. The ink is not ...[text shortened]... lapse so that everyone is forced into a single payer system.
We are ruled by a party of one.
such ignorance
18 Jul 17
Originally posted by @whodeyNo worries, only a matter of time for single payer government control of your healthcare.
What has changed with Obamacare?
Was it not the GOP who voted to repeal Obamacare in 2015, only to have Obama veto it? Why can't they repeal it now? Is it because they know that Trump will sign it and the last thing they really wanted?
Also, why are their no Dims defending Obamacare? All we hear is the need for a single payer system. The ink is not ...[text shortened]... lapse so that everyone is forced into a single payer system.
We are ruled by a party of one.
It's been planned for a long time now.
18 Jul 17
Originally posted by @checkbaiterBetter for tax payers to foot the bill as opposed to companies.
No worries, only a matter of time for single payer government control of your healthcare.
It's been planned for a long time now.
18 Jul 17
Originally posted by @whodeyYes, worth a try....but have you seen this?
Conservatives should only be focused on the Article V movement.
They have no representation at the federal level, and never will have.
18 Jul 17
Originally posted by @whodeyWhat makes you think the "system will collapse"?
What has changed with Obamacare?
Was it not the GOP who voted to repeal Obamacare in 2015, only to have Obama veto it? Why can't they repeal it now? Is it because they know that Trump will sign it and the last thing they really wanted?
Also, why are their no Dims defending Obamacare? All we hear is the need for a single payer system. The ink is not ...[text shortened]... lapse so that everyone is forced into a single payer system.
We are ruled by a party of one.
Republicans are finding out that actually passing a law that deprives over 20 million people of health insurance just to cut rich people's taxes is politically perilous. Not surprisingly, that is not what any of them actually promised but that is what has been proposed and passed in the House.
18 Jul 17
Originally posted by @kazetnagorraSnap! That's a great line!
.. Continue to arrogantly dismiss the experts on every topic and you'll continue to be played like a fiddle, stuffed with propaganda like a foie gras-goose.
Originally posted by @kazetnagorraGullible? I've been saying for some time that the Article V movement is the conservatives only hope. I was not even a Trump supporter.
The GOP would not have voted to repeal Obamacare if they thought the repeal would pass. It was a piece of showmanship designed to impress gullible people like yourself, and it worked. Continue to arrogantly dismiss the experts on every topic and you'll continue to be played like a fiddle, stuffed with propaganda like a foie gras-goose.
The gullible people are those who thought that voting for Barry would give them affordable health care. In fact, they really thought that their premiums would go down and they could keep their own doctor and insurance policy and that it was not designed to collapse and usher in a single payer system. Those are the tards. Progs have to lie because no one would have voted for Barry had he been honest.
Arrogantly dismiss the experts? The experts all praised Barry and his health care plan. Now all Dims do is talk about replacing it. Those experts? They lie like Barry
The gullible people are those who think that there are actually "experts" that have all the answers, so much so, that they should be given all power over their health care. They actually think there is a final solution to health care that is the answer to all their problems instead of creating more problems. Those are the fools.
19 Jul 17
Originally posted by @whodeyGullible? I've been saying for some time that the Article V movement is the conservatives only hope. I was not even a Trump supporter.
Gullible? I've been saying for some time that the Article V movement is the conservatives only hope. I was not even a Trump supporter.
The gullible people are those who thought that voting for Barry would give them affordable health care. In fact, they really thought that their premiums would go down and they could keep their own doctor and insurance p ...[text shortened]... hat is the answer to all their problems instead of creating more problems. Those are the fools.
You were also not a Trump opponent, and you know very well that Trump is a product of the reactionary wing of the GOP, whence you hail.
The gullible people are those who thought that voting for Barry would give them affordable health care. In fact, they really thought that their premiums would go down and they could keep their own doctor and insurance policy and that it was not designed to collapse and usher in a single payer system. Those are the tards. Progs have to lie because no one would have voted for Barry had he been honest.
Obamacare turned the industrialized world's worst health care system into... still the worst system, but by less of a margin. It is a Republican plan, as you well know, which is the only kind of plan Obama and the Democrats were able to pass.
Arrogantly dismiss the experts? The experts all praised Barry and his health care plan.
No, they didn't.
The gullible people are those who think that there are actually "experts" that have all the answers, so much so, that they should be given all power over their health care. They actually think there is a final solution to health care that is the answer to all their problems instead of creating more problems. Those are the fools.
Your oncologist doesn't have "all the answers," doesn't know everything there is to know about cancer, nor should they have "all power" over you. But when you do get cancer, you're probably better off listening to your oncologist than to someone selling herbal medicine against cancer. The people who do heed the advice of their oncologist even when they might be wrong (no one is infallible, after all) aren't "fools."