Decades ago, my middle school went on a fund drive for a small struggling African nation. We went door to door for donations, sent blankets, food packs, and money. Since then that country has gone through 2 name changes, and countless regime swaps, as one petty warlord after another took power. The same can be said of many African countries over the last half century. Few of our donations made it to the people they were intended for. Charitable foundations and church groups in the west have donated massive amounts of money and resources, in the last half century with the hopes the countries of Africa can become, productive states, who can govern themselves better than in the past, with poor results. Most of the governments are so corrupt, they barely function, and though the people seem to be hard working, the majority still live below the poverty line.
So, what to do about Africa? Should the west continue to pour resources into this continent year after year, or leave them to deal with their own problems?
@mchill saidCentury after century of the West pillaging and draining resources from Africa, this is the question that gets asked?
Should the west continue to pour resources into this continent year after year, or leave them to deal with their own problems?
Have we forgotten Libya already?
Money alone, however much or well-intended, does not solve deep-rooted social and political problems. It is time for Africa's leaders to stop blaming colonialism for all of Africa's woes and to implement good governance.
@moonbus - It is time for Africa's leaders to stop blaming colonialism for all of Africa's woes and to implement good governance.
Can't we say that about Mudda'Russia? 🤔 Just saying
IMO, America should tend toward isolationism.
We have no more a clue as to how to fix the problems of those countries than the man in the moon.
@earl-of-trumps saidAmerica has its own share of problems to fix.
@moonbus - It is time for Africa's leaders to stop blaming colonialism for all of Africa's woes and to implement good governance.
Can't we say that about Mudda'Russia? 🤔 Just saying
IMO, America should tend toward isolationism.
We have no more a clue as to how to fix the problems of those countries than the man in the moon.
Here's a Chinaman asking an African what happened to all the stuff the evil colonists built 100 years earlier and why China has to come back and build it all over again after the Africans took over control and let everything that was built for them fall apart.
Why not nuke the whole continent? Get rid of them?
Yes, morally challenging and we’ll be judged by history as complete bastards, but future generations will reap the rewards our actions sow.
Indeed, it’s probably best to nuke China and India before their ICBM programs are fully capable of retaliation.
Yes, I know. Horrendous! But think of the population drop and how good that would be for the world! And in a few hundred years, we’ll have all those resources we want!
And we’ll kill a lot of bats... so less disease.
Yes, yes... it’s for the best!
We have these weapons! Why have spent trillions on them and not benefit from the money spent?
We’ve got them. Surely it’s the right thing to do. Use them!
We’ll be thanked later.
Totally agree.
Africa is a resource for materials for normal folk.
That being said...🤔
Let's annihilate all primitive species and move on.
Good god who will judge us?
The space police?
We can do whatever we want.
Why are we wasting time with 3rd world countries?
I'm not joking.