@averagejoe1 saidTrump will be there wednesday…thank God…bring trucks with supplies
And,,,,,AND< Biden rejects requests for FEMA declaration in Palestine disaster?
Why don't you libs weigh in on this???
@mott-the-hoople saidReally?
Trump will be there wednesday…thank God…bring trucks with supplies
@averagejoe1 saidWhat are you on about?
And,,,,,AND< Biden rejects requests for FEMA declaration in Palestine disaster?
Why don't you libs weigh in on this???
@shavixmir saidPalestine, Ohio....the train crash with huge toxic spill.
What are you on about?
Biden won't let FEMA declare it a disaster area so they can get aid because it's not a natural disaster, like a tornado, flood, etc.
FEMA don't care if it's a man-made disaster apparently.
@averagejoe1 saidWhen did Governor DeWine specifically request a declaration by the President that a major disaster exists? That's required by Section 401 of the Stafford Act (42 USC 5170). https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_stafford_act_2021_vol1.pdf
And,,,,,AND< Biden rejects requests for FEMA declaration in Palestine disaster?
Why don't you libs weigh in on this???
As of yesterday:
"At this time, DeWine has still not made a disaster declaration in response to the derailment."
@jj-adams saidNo matter what crank right wing propaganda sites tell you that's not true; the definition of a "major disaster" in the Stafford Act includes:
Palestine, Ohio....the train crash with huge toxic spill.
Biden won't let FEMA declare it a disaster area so they can get aid because it's not a natural disaster, like a tornado, flood, etc.
FEMA don't care if it's a man-made disaster apparently.
", or,
regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, in any part of the United States,
which in the determination of the President causes damage of sufficient severity
and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under this Act to supplement
the efforts and available resources of States, local governments, and disaster
relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused
Section 102(2) of the Stafford Act (42 USC 5122)
@no1marauder saidAnd you think what is happening in Ohio doesn't qualify?
No matter what crank right wing propaganda sites tell you that's not true; the definition of a "major disaster" in the Stafford Act includes:
", or,
regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, in any part of the United States,
which in the determination of the President causes damage of sufficient severity
and magnitude to warrant major disaster ...[text shortened]... loss, hardship, or suffering caused
Section 102(2) of the Stafford Act (42 USC 5122)
@jj-adams saidI think the Governor has to specifically request the President make a disaster declaration and he hasn't.
And you think what is happening in Ohio doesn't qualify?
"Sec. 401. Procedure for Declaration (42 U.S.C. 5170)
(a) In General - All requests for a declaration by the President that a major disaster exists shall be made by the Governor of the affected State. Such a request shall be based on a finding that the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and the affected local governments and that Federal assistance is necessary. As part of such request, and as a prerequisite to major disaster assistance under this Act, the Governor shall take appropriate response action under State law and direct
execution of the State’s emergency plan. The Governor shall furnish information on the nature and amount of State and local resources which have been or will be committed to alleviating the results of the disaster, and shall certify that, for the current disaster, State and local government obligations and expenditures (of which State commitments must be a significant proportion) will comply with all applicable cost-sharing requirements of this Act. Based on the request of a Governor under this section, the President may declare under this Act that a major disaster or emergency exists."
@no1marauder saidhe did...
I think the Governor has to specifically request the President make a disaster declaration and he hasn't.
@no1marauder saidRead first friendly paragraph. What in the hell? I am convinced Marauder is a bot.
When did Governor DeWine specifically request a declaration by the President that a major disaster exists? That's required by Section 401 of the Stafford Act (42 USC 5170). https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_stafford_act_2021_vol1.pdf
As of yesterday:
"At this time, DeWine has still not made a disaster declaration in response to the derailment." ...[text shortened]...
@no1marauder saidHe IS a bot. I would rather talk about the damn rich!
"Sec. 401. Procedure for Declaration (42 U.S.C. 5170)
(a) In General - All requests for a declaration by the President that a major disaster exists shall be made by the Governor of the affected State. Such a request shall be based on a finding that the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and the affec ...[text shortened]... gency exists."
@mott-the-hoople saidNo he didn't; "requesting assistance" (which the Feds have provided plenty of) isn't making a formal request for a disaster declaration which requires the admissions the statute lays out. From your own link:
he did...
"Earlier in the day, US Sen. Sherrod Brown called for Gov. DeWine to declare the East Palestine train derailment as a disaster."
From Brown's letter to DeWine:
"In order to ensure that the community has all the resources they need to ensure public health and safety now and into the future, I ask that you officially declare a disaster and seek the full support of the federal government to bolster the state of Ohio’s ongoing clean-up efforts."
@averagejoe1 saidThen don't start a thread based on misinformation from the usual right wing propaganda sources.
He IS a bot. I would rather talk about the damn rich!