I just sawclips of this on The Daily Show.
Jesus H. Christ! What’s going on??
Funny comment by the anchor of the Daily Show, about the co-host beside trump, Kristi Noam.
trump asks: “Anyone else want to faint?”
And the anchor says: “The last thing anyone wants is a medical episode with the puppy shooter there. She was already cocking her shotgun when she heard Kamala had allergies. Drag them off to the gravel pit!”
Ave Maria.. twice. Sinead O’Connor… god damn, she’ll be turning in her grave that her music gets played at a trump rally.
And then his dancing??? Sweet orange pumpkin of retard arse fvcked with a large dildo… well, that’s what it looks like when he dances.
@sonhouse saidThis election man. Trump's been on the campaign trail for 9 years now. Has nothing left to say so he just stands there silent on the stage for 40 minutes
Two people pass out due to the heat and questions were halted while he spasmoticly does what he considered 'dancing' for near an hour.
Andy Kaufman would be proud.
Can it be over already?
The Trump campaign Twitter account said the former president "turned this town hall into a concert."
"Something very special is happening in Pennsylvania right now at the Trump townhall," Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung said in a post on X. "@realDonaldTrump is unlike any politician in history, and it's great."
True, unlike like any real politician in history. But "great"? Politically great?? More like P.T. Barnum. "Weird" isn't even in the same ball park.
To all Republican'ts here:
1. The winner is not the one with the biggest rallies.
2. The winner is not the one with the loudest music.
3. The winner is not the one with the highest poll ratings this week or next week or last week.
4. The winner is not the one who won a debate against a presumptive candidate who dropped out.
5. The winner is not the one who said he won last time.
6. The winner is not the one who says he's "gonna take the whole ball game" this time.
7. The winner is not the one who declares himself the winner.
8. The winner is not the one the media claim is the winner the night of 5th Nov.
9. The winner is not the one who campaigns with other people's songs and doesn't pay them royalties.
Got that?
@moonbus saidCould you do 9 of those about Harris so there could be a point of reference?
The Trump campaign Twitter account said the former president "turned this town hall into a concert."
"Something very special is happening in Pennsylvania right now at the Trump townhall," Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung said in a post on X. "@realDonaldTrump is unlike any politician in history, and it's great."
True, unlike like any r ...[text shortened]... s not the one who campaigns with other people's songs and doesn't pay them royalties.
Got that?
Point of difference like Trump saying he WOULD put 15 million people in concentration camps to be deported or putting thousands more children in cages?
That kind of comparison?
@TheListener saidNo need. The correct list has only one item on it and Harris does not dispute it or tell stupid lies on social media to try to get round it.
Could you do 9 of those about Harris so there could be a point of reference?
10. The winner is not the one who takes an early lead and watches it dwindle as more votes are tallied.
@moonbus saidThe videos of this town hall are brutal. He's standing there doing nothing for 40 full minutes. Way worse than anything Biden did that made him look old.
The Trump campaign Twitter account said the former president "turned this town hall into a concert."
"Something very special is happening in Pennsylvania right now at the Trump townhall," Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung said in a post on X. "@realDonaldTrump is unlike any politician in history, and it's great."
True, unlike like any r ...[text shortened]... s not the one who campaigns with other people's songs and doesn't pay them royalties.
Got that?
No wonder trump doesn't want to debate or do real interviews. Sheesh.
Is everyone going to pretend there wasn't two separate medical assistance situations that interrupted the town hall?
If the guy kept preaching would you say he didn't care? Get a grip on reality already. Some of you are clearly purposefully delusional and biased.
After two interruptions he decided it was over but since people came out too see him he stayed so they could have some time with the most famous person they have ever met.
Some of you are part of the tribalism that is making the Democrats look pathetic.
The guy has done a lot of town halls and media sit downs but you're butthurt because he ends one early due to medical assistance needed for some fans?
People have already decided who they are voting for and none of the previous posters are going to change their minds because of one more town hall.
@Crapablunda saidHave some time with him?
Is everyone going to pretend there wasn't two separate medical assistance situations that interrupted the town hall?
If the guy kept preaching would you say he didn't care? Get a grip on reality already. Some of you are clearly purposefully delusional and biased.
After two interruptions he decided it was over but since people came out too see him he stayed so they c ...[text shortened]... for and none of the previous posters are going to change their minds because of one more town hall.
He just stood there, not saying or doing anything, for almost 40 minutes. Who does that? You don't think that's super weird?
Seems you're the tribal one here.
@sonhouse saidYes - I saw that too. I don't think this made a good impression on the independent and swing voters who will decide this election.
Two people pass out due to the heat and questions were halted while he spasmoticly does what he considered 'dancing' for near an hour.
@Crapablunda saidDid you even see his 'interview' with the Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg News? (I forgot the man's name.)
Is everyone going to pretend there wasn't two separate medical assistance situations that interrupted the town hall?
If the guy kept preaching would you say he didn't care? Get a grip on reality already. Some of you are clearly purposefully delusional and biased.
After two interruptions he decided it was over but since people came out too see him he stayed so they c ...[text shortened]... for and none of the previous posters are going to change their minds because of one more town hall.
If I was Republican, I would have been embarrassed at his spinning out of control like a top. The guy has serious cognitive issues.
And tariffs? He seems to think they'll solve all our problems while most economists think it's a horrible idea. He was talking to a group of economists. I'm surprised they didn't laugh him off the stage.
Gee, here for 5 days. So what was your ID here before? Or do you just have multiple accounts?
Trump looked weak and out of touch, a normal person would have gone to that person's aid but he just stood on stage as if that person stubbed his toe and just goes, lets put on Ave Maria sung by Pavarotti and make it LOUD.
Then puts on the Village People playing YMCA not even knowing it is a gay pride song. Then swaying back and forth like an idiot for nearly 40 minutes.
That was not even CLOSE to a 'town hall' meeting, it was filled with Trumpites so kiss my ass.
@Crapablunda saidAre you back already?
You mean the interview in Chicago by Bloomberg a couple of days ago where Trump got a standing ovation?
That went well for Trump.
I can't say the same for Kamala being interviewed by Fox tonight. That was a disaster.