....and why did most Democrats accept it?
I thought that Bush was a Republican. What's going on here?
My theory is this:
Republicans know they are dead in the water come the election. By voting this down, they hoped to screw the economy completely (so far so good!) for the democrats, so they would only last one term.
Democrats know they are shoe-ins at the next election. they wanted to shore up the economy for their reign. Also, if the money is wasted, and does not prevent the economy from going into freefall (as is surely going to be the case), then they can blame Bush for the waste of taxpayers money.
Originally posted by howardgeeActually, 90 democrats voted against the first bill. If the democrats just wanted the bill, they could have all voted for it last week and it would have passed by a large margin.
....and why did most Democrats accept it?
I thought that Bush was a Republican. What's going on here?
My theory is this:
Republicans know they are dead in the water come the election. By voting this down, they hoped to screw the economy completely (so far so good!) for the democrats, so they would only last one term.
Democrats know they are ...[text shortened]... (as is surely going to be the case), then they can blame Bush for the waste of taxpayers money.
06 Oct 08
Originally posted by EladarThe problem is that he spends tax payers' money on the rich corporations.
The problem is that Bush is a very liberal Republican. He loves to spend money and grow government. Conservatives would rather shrink the size of the goverment and have the government spend less money.
Anyone who believes the GW is a conservative has been duped.
He is liberal only in the sense that he liberally robs the poor to give to the rich.
He is a modern day Robbing Hood.
Originally posted by howardgeeWhat you saw was the public reaction to the idea of "bailing out" wall street. The politicians, being politicians, responded to the negative outcry for going along with the whole mess. Then after they voted down the bill the stock market took an 800 point drop towards an abyss of sorts and the public outcry seemed to soften a bit. Then the plan was talked up some more as they convinced more and more people that it was "needed" so they were then able to pass the plan without such a negative outcry as would have occurred the first time around.
....and why did most Democrats accept it?
I thought that Bush was a Republican. What's going on here?
My theory is this:
Republicans know they are dead in the water come the election. By voting this down, they hoped to screw the economy completely (so far so good!) for the democrats, so they would only last one term.
Democrats know they are ...[text shortened]... (as is surely going to be the case), then they can blame Bush for the waste of taxpayers money.
In short, the plan was going to pass no matter what. What you saw the first time it failed was the beginning of a PR job for the average Joe to make him see things their way.
Originally posted by EladarAh, yes the CATO organisation...funded by Exxon-Mobil, AIG and Philip Morris.
According to the link below, GW increased spending on education and labor by 65-70%, increased spending on Farm Subsidies and as well as historical increase in Medicare.
I would take anything they say with a pinch of salt.
More reliable are the numerous sources accurately reporting the BLOCKING of Education, Health and Labour spending by your retard cowboy himself:
"...House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was quick to condemn the veto.
“The President again vetoed a bipartisan and fiscally responsible bill that addresses the priorities of the American people: education for our children, assistance in paying skyrocketing energy costs, veterans’ health care, and other urgent health research on cancer and other serious medical problems,” she said.
The president did sign the Department of Defense (DoD) funding measure, even though he objected to some of the items that were included in the bill...."
See how he signs the funding giving money to the arms companies, but vetoes the one to help the poor?
More links here...go educate yourself, Eladar:
"...Intensifying his battle with Congress over federal spending, President Bush on Tuesday vetoed an appropriations bill for the first time, rejecting $150.7 billion in spending for school aid, healthcare and other domestic programs.
But as he complained about the cost of that bill, which would have increased spending on these programs by 4.3% over last year, Bush signed a $471-billion defense appropriations bill that pushed up military spending by more than 9.5%.
And he urged Congress to quickly appropriate $196 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...."
Originally posted by EladarWell done, Eladar...you got there in the end.
Bills were passed. Otherwise the spending would not have happened. Were they passed by a super majority? Perhaps one bill was vetoed, but another was passed. That's how things work.
So given your newly found knowledge that Bush passed the defence bill, but vetoed the Health, education and labour spending, are you prepared to admit your mistake in calling Shrub a liberal president?
Originally posted by howardgeeI think it's all go to do with irony.
....and why did most Democrats accept it?
I thought that Bush was a Republican. What's going on here?
My theory is this:
Republicans know they are dead in the water come the election. By voting this down, they hoped to screw the economy completely (so far so good!) for the democrats, so they would only last one term.
Democrats know they are ...[text shortened]... (as is surely going to be the case), then they can blame Bush for the waste of taxpayers money.
The republicans nationalizing banks is obviously to capitalism what George Bush is to intelligence or Adolph Hitler was to equal rights.
Originally posted by shavixmirIt's state capitalism versus private capitalism. Still capitalism. Louis IV was a famous exponent of state capitalism. Of course, he was the state ... Le roi, c'est moi.
I think it's all go to do with irony.
The republicans nationalizing banks is obviously to capitalism what George Bush is to intelligence or Adolph Hitler was to equal rights.