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Why Did New Hampshire Polls Fail?

Why Did New Hampshire Polls Fail?


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Nine out of nine polls failed by about 10% in predicting that Barracks OBomber would win.

That has never happened before. The SAME polls were correct to within a single percentage point on the republican results but missed on the democrat side by ten percent.

Here is a list of possible reasons:

1 - The Bill Bradley effect. Dems like to speak publicly in FAVOR of racial equality, but when they are NOT IN PUBLIC they revert to their basic nature. This is supported by the fact that Iowa was PUBLIC DECLARATION of candidate (polls 100% accurate) and New Hampshire was SECRET BALLOT (polls off by 10% )

2 - New Hampshire does not even check for "citizenship". All a person has to do is walk through the door, take a ballot and vote. It seems that MOST of the error in polling occurred at precincts that BORDER extremely liberal Vermont. This is supported by not much. There are a lot of antidotal stuff like "I know everyone in the district and I walked in to vote with people wearing Bus Passes on their coats that I had never met in my life." I doubt this reason.

3 - People (mostly women) actually decided to go out and vote because Hillary's "crying" episode bought empathic votes. (This one is my choice)

4 - James Carville actually has been on the payroll for months and the Dems are not smart enough to handle his "management" style. Ahem.

Feel free to list your own reasons. It sure has them scratching their heads -- which is WAY COOL.

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Rigged vote count is also possible, although I don't believe that was the case.

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Originally posted by Palynka
Rigged vote count is also possible, although I don't believe that was the case.
See 4 Above concerning "management style"

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
See 4 Above concerning "management style"
Ah. Don't know who James Carville is.

Sorry for the interruption. Carry on.

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Originally posted by Palynka
Ah. Don't know who James Carville is.

Sorry for the interruption. Carry on.

He is the architect of Bill and Hill version 1 and actually invented the term that Bill used when Bill lost his Law License in Arkansas for lying... "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."

Carville is a "national treasure" for democrats. His motto could be "Amoral and proud" or "greasy and gregarious".

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy

He is the architect of Bill and Hill version 1 and actually invented the term that Bill used when Bill lost his Law License in Arkansas for lying... "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."

Carville is a "national treasure" for democrats. His motto could be "Amoral and proud" or "greasy and gregarious".
Who do you prefer (or dislike less) on the Republican side?

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Originally posted by Palynka
Who do you prefer (or dislike less) on the Republican side?
Let's see. Romney first because he is a good free marketeer.
Second would be Dr. Walter Williams...
Rudolpho Julliani
Frederick Thompson
Duncan Hunter
Sixth would be anybody but McCain

Last would be anyTHING but Huckabee. I would prefer the election of a swamp-toad over that of the huckster. I am convinced that he is Jimmy Carter waiting to happen. AGAIN!😲

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Nine out of nine polls failed by about 10% in predicting that Barracks OBomber would win.

That has never happened before. The SAME polls were correct to within a single percentage point on the republican results but missed on the democrat side by ten percent.

Here is a list of possible reasons:

1 - The Bill Bradley effect. Dems like to speak pu ...[text shortened]... to list your own reasons. It sure has them scratching their heads -- which is WAY COOL.
Hillary threw out her vagina card the day before with her tearful "Why don't you like me" speech.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Nine out of nine polls failed by about 10% in predicting that Barracks OBomber would win.

That has never happened before. The SAME polls were correct to within a single percentage point on the republican results but missed on the democrat side by ten percent.

Here is a list of possible reasons:

1 - The Bill Bradley effect. Dems like to speak pu to list your own reasons. It sure has them scratching their heads -- which is WAY COOL.
Pollsters were influenced by Iowa more than their answers.

Media hyperbole over Obama meant dont know was taken to be Obama's vote

Students supporting Obama weren't registered/couldn't be bothered to vote.

Obama still got 36% but Edwards supporters realised Hilary was the better alternative so they swung her way

People lied to pollster to get rid of him and stop them interfering.

Life would be boring if it were predictable.

In the UK - there is an element of the population who like the incumbent but would be too embarassed to tell a pollster that.

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I believe the "polling" process is flawed. Many young voters do not own land line phones, and cannot be polled. Also many of the demographic that voted for Hillary refuse to talk to pollsters. It makes it difficult to be accurate. This is not the first time they have been wrong. They were wrong in Iowa too.

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