Those people who think political solutions are the answer to our daily problems are wrong for the following 2 reasons:
1. Politicians are only interested gaining greater and greater political power.
2. A politicians mindset is as follows: Not getting caught in a lie, is just the same as telling the truth.
The best thing any country can hope for is the following 2 things:
1. Politicians will only serve one term in office (4-6 years maximum)
2. Once out of office, the former politician will be "fixed" so they can't reproduce!
Originally posted by bill718A binding constitution limiting the power of gummint to protecting ones life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Protecting them, not sustaining them an important distinction.
Those people who think political solutions are the answer to our daily problems are wrong for the following 2 reasons:
1. Politicians are only interested gaining greater and greater political power.
2. A politicians mindset is as follows: Not getting caught in a lie, is just the same as telling the truth.
The best thing any country can hope for is t ...[text shortened]... mum)
2. Once out of office, the former politician will be "fixed" so they can't reproduce!
18 Dec 10
Originally posted by bill718The 'Iron Law of Oligarchy' states that every organization, no matter how democratic or revolutionary it may start off as, will eventually develop into an oligarchy where its leaders will become more concerned with protecting and expanding their own power than with serving the originally stated goals of that organization. The increased bureaucratization of any large organization leads inevitably away from democratic control and toward an entrenched hierarchy of leaders whose primary concern is to defend their own positions of power. Darcy K. Leach summarized the process as follows: "Bureaucracy happens. If bureaucracy happens, power rises. Power corrupts."
1. Politicians are only interested gaining greater and greater political power.
Proceeding from this, it follows that it is impossible for any democratic, or progressive, organization to be successful at a national level. The more they succeed, the larger they grow, the more bureaucratized they become, and the more they inevitably drift away from their founding principles. In the end they are defeated by their own success. Even organizations which are aware of this problem, and consciously seek to avoid it, will inevitably succumb to 'the iron law of oligarchy.' As Robert Michels (the first one to articulate the principle) said: "(He) who says organization, says oligarchy."
Originally posted by rwingettRec.
The 'Iron Law of Oligarchy' states that every organization, no matter how democratic or revolutionary it may start off as, will eventually develop into an oligarchy where its leaders will become more concerned with protecting and expanding their own power than with serving the originally stated goals of that organization. The increased bureaucratization of ...[text shortened]... rst one to articulate the principle) said: "(He) who says organization, says oligarchy."
Originally posted by MacSwainThe way to success, therefore, is to not aim for large scale organization. Things should be kept as decentralized and localized as possible. One should not try to succeed once at the national level, but thousands of times at the local level instead. This, of course, is anarchism.
Originally posted by rwingettThis also shows the great difference between corporations and governments. Corporations start good, offer a product better or cheaper than competition, and if they do it well they'll grow. Eventually that corporation becomes corrupt and as a result is less able to offer new innovations or contain costs. As long as there's law and order, the corporation will eventually find themselves facing stiff competition from younger corporations that are not yet corrupt. Corporations can fail and go bankrupt as a result of their own corruption and in general nobody dies. When a companies inefficiencies drive it out of business, the very nature of that process implies there are other companies already in place to take up the slack.
The way to success, therefore, is to not aim for large scale organization. Things should be kept as decentralized and localized as possible. One should not try to succeed once at the national level, but thousands of times at the local level instead. This, of course, is anarchism.
When government's become corrupt, they just take more and more money in the form of taxes and the debasement of currency. When governments become too corrupt to function well, they just become more corrupt. When large governments fail, many people die.
One thing corporations do to try to avert their own demise is change laws to work in their favor, even if those laws are not based on fairness nor any moral principle. But in this case, and in the case of governments growing in their own corruption, it is the continual transferring of more and more power to a centralized government that drives us closer to the eventual breakdown of civilization. Corporations cannot easily force you to do anything unless they bribe politicians to help them. It is always the corrupt actions of the politicians that is the key.
Originally posted by bill718Nonsense. What is needed is more government regulation and greater distribution of wealth.
Those people who think political solutions are the answer to our daily problems are wrong for the following 2 reasons:
1. Politicians are only interested gaining greater and greater political power.
2. A politicians mindset is as follows: Not getting caught in a lie, is just the same as telling the truth.
The best thing any country can hope for is t ...[text shortened]... mum)
2. Once out of office, the former politician will be "fixed" so they can't reproduce!
Originally posted by rwingettDoes this mean your a conservative now? :'(
The 'Iron Law of Oligarchy' states that every organization, no matter how democratic or revolutionary it may start off as, will eventually develop into an oligarchy where its leaders will become more concerned with protecting and expanding their own power than with serving the originally stated goals of that organization. The increased bureaucratization of ...[text shortened]... rst one to articulate the principle) said: "(He) who says organization, says oligarchy."
Originally posted by whodeyNo, Whodey, it does not. My hatred for the rich and for Republicans remains wholly unchanged. My post merely means that trying to enact a progressive agenda through a national political organization is doomed to failure.
Does this mean your a conservative now? :'(
If you follow my posts (and are capable of understanding them), you will recall my advocacy of 'market socialism.' The way to build an equitable society is by reforming it from the bottom-up, one corporation at a time (through worker ownership). Trying to reform society via a top-down approach in the political system is doomed to failure.
Originally posted by techsouthWhen governments become corrupt, they... get voted out of office. That's how democracy works.
When government's become corrupt, they just take more and more money in the form of taxes and the debasement of currency. When governments become too corrupt to function well, they just become more corrupt. When large governments fail, many people die.