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Why vote for McCain?

Why vote for McCain?


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McCain is the first descent republican since decades. He could be the one who could built small bridges between the democrats and republicans and mean something positive for the rest of the world (if he can keep the hardliners out). By winning, he can show the republicans and all its hardliners (and there are way too many of them) that a softer approach can be succesfull so they all soften up a bit more.
He will probably loose it and the republicans already show what terrible losers they are. Republican vultures behind the scenes have dressed the dinnertable. They blame his strategy, calling out loud to hurt Obama bad, anything for a win. This opens the way (if McCain looses) for the real pigs for the next elections and the republicans gonna love it and the country get steered up, more and more becoming the christian version of Iran and we all get f***ed.
For all other reasons; Obama!

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