10 Jul 23
@averagejoe1 saidwatch what
You hangers-on might want to hold your noses and watch FOX, if for no other reason than entertainment at cocktail hour.
for the milionth time, what the fuk are you talking about?
@averagejoe1 saidI watch CNBC. The numbers from Wall St. make far more sense to me than political talk shows that masquerade as news networks.
You hangers-on might want to hold your noses and watch FOX, if for no other reason than entertainment at cocktail hour.
10 Jul 23
@zahlanzi saidI am not being a smarty to suggest you watch FOX (get the app), because mainstream media never covers what I am about to tell you.
watch what
for the milionth time, what the fuk are you talking about?
You cannot deny the millions acquired by the Biden family, many of which triggered 158 SARs (suspicious activity reports) by the bankiing industry. It is proven, it is there. And this investigation, in high gear today, is FAR beyond just checking out Hunter, as Joe's name is now being connected to all of the seemingly nefarious, maybe illegal, maybe treasonous, activity.
So, you ask what I am talking about? Get your popcorn and watch. Note, Zhalanzi,, that you don't even know about it. You are uninformed, Zhalanzi. Change channels.
10 Jul 23
@mchill saidThen watch CNBC. I have made money just by watching FOX business. Full of info. Remember when they had Cathy Wood of Ark Investments on and I told y'all to buy ROKU, at her advice.? It doubled in 3 months. I sold. It is down now, as is everything. CNBC? Rock on.
I watch CNBC. The numbers from Wall St. make far more sense to me than political talk shows that masquerade as news networks.
@averagejoe1 saidFox *is* mainstream media.
I suggest you watch FOX because mainstream media never covers what I am about to tell you.
It shows how gullable Fox News viewers are when they believe Fox isn't mainstream despite being the most watched cable news network.
10 Jul 23
@vivify saidGranted, FOX is great at entertaining, making them number one. Not to sound sexist, but note the beautiful smart ladies on FOX, and plan janes on CNN. MSNBC...what in the hell?
Fox *is* mainstream media.
It shows how gullable Fox News viewers are when they believe Fox isn't mainstream despite being the most watched cable news network.
As to mainstream, they are simply established long time networks, set in their ways, and then along came cable news. There's your diff. Here is an explanation, acknwledging a grey area. It is a generalization, making discussions more understandable when explaining diff in,, say, ABC and FOX.
Often something huge wikll be happeingin in the news, Fox reports it all day, and at the end of the day, they will show how many minutes were given to the stories on each network. SOmetimes it has shown ZERO for ABC, when FOx spends 4 hours total in a day.