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Woke. No more bar exams.

Woke. No more bar exams.


2 edits

Y'all are going to kill this country. Oregon and Wahington State only require a law degree. I have not read this. as it made me sad. Oh, and full of fear, as Suzianne always says.
Soon, the med students. Graduate, and you are free to do do a heart operation. Y'all are killling us.


1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
Y'all are going to kill this country. Oregon and Wahington State only require a law degree. I have not read this. as it made me sad. Oh, and full of fear, as Suzianne always says.
Soon, the med students. Graduate, and you are free to do do a heart operation. Y'all are killling us.

I have not read this. as it made me sad.

Not surprising since you don't seem to read much anyway. If you had, you'd see:

Typically, students will complete an internship between their second and third years of law school gaining about 400 hours of experience, according to the task force’s report. Then, if they do about three hours a week of legal work through their final year of law school, students could have 500 hours of experience upon graduation, leaving the portfolio to complete before licensure.

Lastly, law clerks can become lawyers without enrolling in law school by completing standardized educational materials and benchmarks under the guidance of a mentoring attorney, along with the 500 hours of work as a licensed legal intern.

Your talent for taking a rather complex process and reducing it the level of a 6-year-old is common practice with you.


@mchill said
I have not read this. as it made me sad.

Not surprising since you don't seem to read much anyway. If you had, you'd see:

Typically, students will complete an internship between their second and third years of law school gaining about 400 hours of experience, according to the task force’s report. Then, if they do about three hours a week of legal work through their final ...[text shortened]... king a rather complex process and reducing it the level of a 6-year-old is common practice with you.
No issue except the one that has states dumbing down their lawyers. Write all the detail you want, Abe Lincoln took the bar. Y’all will stop it. How bout listing the downside of how clients of not-lawyers will lose in the end. The crap you wrote is not regulated, people like you will sit on back row in law school, and represent our citizens reeeaaaly badly. They leave law school, just start practicing …Sure, I can handle your Tax problem.” Who’s watching this loser? No one. McHill….if he cannot pass an exam like drs do, do you think he should practice law across the courtroom from a lawyer? Would you hire him McHill.?
Losers such as yourself on the forum will defend any losing proposition, and this is a great example of one.

Everyone, standby and see how McHill responds to my last question, would you hire a person who flunked the bar exam and just started practicing anyway?

1 edit

"Your honor...my client... he beez innocent...him dindu nuffins" is what will be the result.
In fact it's already happening, the DA in Trump's Georgia trial lapsed into ghetto-speak at one point when she was being questioned on the stand.

3 edits

@averagejoe1 said
No issue except the one that has states dumbing down their lawyers. Write all the detail you want, Abe Lincoln took the bar. Y’all will stop it. How bout listing the downside of how clients of not-lawyers will lose in the end. The crap you wrote is not regulated, people like you will sit on back row in law school, and represent our citizens reeeaaaly badly. They leave law ...[text shortened]... last question, would you hire a person who flunked the bar exam and just started practicing anyway?
Q: Would you hire him McHill.?

A: Yes, I would. There are many duties that lawyers typically do that others can do as well. Years ago, when I was a Real Estate broker our ability to write a purchase and sale agreement and understand the purpose of and language contained in different types of deeds (warranty, bargain and sale, quitclaim) had to meet the same standards as those of attorneys.

Everyone, standby and see how McHill responds to my last question,

OK - I responded to your last question. Any questions?


@mchill said
Q: Would you hire him McHill.?

A: Yes, I would. There are many duties that lawyers typically do that others can do as well. Years ago, when I was a Real Estate broker our ability to write a purchase and sale agreement and understand the purpose of and language contained in different types of deeds (warranty, bargain and sale, quitclaim) had to meet the same standards as tho ...[text shortened]... e how McHill responds to my last question,

OK - I responded to your last question. Any questions?
No questions of McHill


You know, it's your god king who got those judges in so bitch to him about it. Don't know how much help he will be in prison though.


@cliff-mashburn said
"Your honor...my client... he beez innocent...him dindu nuffins" is what will be the result.
In fact it's already happening, the DA in Trump's Georgia trial lapsed into ghetto-speak at one point when she was being questioned on the stand.
Will be!? Have you listened to Trump's various legal teams over the last few years?


@sonhouse said
You know, it's your god king who got those judges in so bitch to him about it. Don't know how much help he will be in prison though.
You know, it's your god king who got those judges in so bitch to him about it.



@shallow-blue said
Will be!? Have you listened to Trump's various legal teams over the last few years?


@averagejoe1 said
Yes, covfefe. And the man who owns property to the value of five billion cannot pay a 200 million bond, because... because.


@shallow-blue said
Yes, covfefe. And the man who owns property to the value of five billion cannot pay a 200 million bond, because... because.
I thought y’all were discussing Covid. And remember MicHill does not want anybody to have opinions, as you are putting here in this post.


Trump went to the funeral of the fallen police officer that was killed by two American Africans. Biden was in town and so was Obama and I think Clinton, those three were raising money. So, you question trumps big money,….? I question Biden’s not so big heart.


@averagejoe1 said
Trump went to the funeral of the fallen police officer that was killed by two American Africans. Biden was in town and so was Obama and I think Clinton, those three were raising money. So, you question trumps big money,….? I question Biden’s not so big heart.
"who is marge"


You saw that too, eh.

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