Socialism is the fire department saving your house, the police protecting your community, the government providing disaster relief, deposit insurance, highways and bridges.
Capitalism is the bank who turns down your loan application, the insurance company who turns down your injury claim, the con artist running a Ponzi scheme, and the manufacturers who engage in price gouging of badly needed medical equipment in a pandemic.
Yet they worship capitalism as if it were something holy. 🙄
Bill Gates is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with capitalism.
He has too much power and he is giving capitalism a bad name. That is why socialism is gaining popularity despite the establishment trying to demonize socialism at every turn to suppress it.
Bill Gates is a control freak. He can't control socialism. Wealthy control freaks hate socialism.
@mchill saidI agree to your 1st paragraph.
Socialism is the fire department saving your house, the police protecting your community, the government providing disaster relief, deposit insurance, highways and bridges.
Capitalism is the bank who turns down your loan application, the insurance company who turns down your injury claim, the con artist running a Ponzi scheme, and the manufacturers who engage in price go ...[text shortened]... ded medical equipment in a pandemic.
Yet they worship capitalism as if it were something holy. 🙄
As to your other scenarios , The bank is in the business of making loans. They would go out of business if they did not make loans, and earn the interest of their loans.. So you would have to explain why they would not make a loan… Could it be that the borrower does not qualify? Do not you believe that someone should qualify before they be given a loan? I totally do not understand your premise.
If a person is injured, and the provisions of his insurance policy say that his particular injury is covered, again, I do not get your premise. They would pay the claimant. Whew.
APerson who runs a Ponzi scheme should be hung in the public square. So I don’t know what you are saying there. Nor do I get your premise of price gouging by certain businesses or corporations. There are laws against the Ponzu scheme, and I think there probably should be a way to detect and punish price gouging. But what has that got to do with capitalism?
May I point out that people who were taken in by Bernie Madoff (imprisoned) took a risk with their money. They could have kept it under the mattress. What has capitalism got to do with them giving their money to someone to make it grow? Do do you think that people truly need a nanny? Just because liberals need nannies, doesn’t that mean that our entire society should have to truck with nannies. McHill, I don’t want someone running my life. You sound like you do?
Please rewrite the points that you are trying to make so that we would be able to speak intelligently. I believe if you have a good record, you can walk into a bank and borrow money anytime you want to. So I was lost with your first premise.
@metal-brain saidMB, how in the world can you decry control freaks, when you want the government to be in control of our lives? That may be the question of the century.
Bill Gates is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with capitalism.
He has too much power and he is giving capitalism a bad name. That is why socialism is gaining popularity despite the establishment trying to demonize socialism at every turn to suppress it.
Bill Gates is a control freak. He can't control socialism. Wealthy control freaks hate socialism.
@averagejoe1 saidGotta' give you a
MB, how in the world can you decry control freaks, when you want the government to be in control of our lives? That may be the question of the century.
thumbs up on this.
@averagejoe1 saidRichard Wolff on the Common Ground between Libertarianism and Socialism
MB, how in the world can you decry control freaks, when you want the government to be in control of our lives? That may be the question of the century.
@averagejoe1 saidHA!. I saw this response only after my note to you above. Absolutely unbelievable. Totally ignores my point as to wanting govt control when he says he does not want govt control. And, He sends a LINK!!!!
Thankyou....could you humor us all and pretend that you are metal brain, answering this query as you think he would answer? (Not as he SHOULD answer, which he won't).
He sends a link. Would I lie?
And I just, once again, made mirth of links on the 'Biden Chosin Reservoir' thread. They don't get it.
@metal-brain saidI wish he would throw in Collectivism to really spice it up! And of course, I want to study and understand all of them.
Richard Wolff on the Common Ground between Libertarianism and Socialism
@metal-brain saidhe is giving capitalism a bad name.
Bill Gates is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with capitalism.
He has too much power and he is giving capitalism a bad name. That is why socialism is gaining popularity despite the establishment trying to demonize socialism at every turn to suppress it.
Bill Gates is a control freak. He can't control socialism. Wealthy control freaks hate socialism.
Bill Gates isn't perfect, but he's done far more to combat hunger, illiteracy, agriculture crisis, and aiding children in war zones around the world than your beloved Donald, the Koch brothers, Charles Schwab and other holier than thou Republicans combined.
In the 70's, he and his friend Paul Allen started a small software company, and from nothing, built it into tech dynamo that tells the computer you're typing on right now, what to do and how to do it. Gates and Allen were famous for their 70 hour workweeks, and high expectations. How is that "giving capitalism a bad name??"
@mchill saidGoogle what he has done with sanitation systems in India, had his people invent a toilet needing no water. The video will make you sad, and a bit sick to your stomach. Thanks Bill Gates
he is giving capitalism a bad name.
Bill Gates isn't perfect, but he's done far more to combat hunger, illiteracy, agriculture crisis, and aiding children in war zones around the world than your beloved Donald, the Koch brothers, Charles Schwab and other holier than thou Republicans combined.
In the 70's, he and his friend Paul Allen started a small software company, ...[text shortened]... ous for their 70 hour workweeks, and high expectations. How is that "giving capitalism a bad name??"
@mchill saidThat was so well said I almost got a tear. 😢
Socialism is the fire department saving your house, the police protecting your community, the government providing disaster relief, deposit insurance, highways and bridges.
Capitalism is the bank who turns down your loan application, the insurance company who turns down your injury claim, the con artist running a Ponzi scheme, and the manufacturers who engage in price go ...[text shortened]... ded medical equipment in a pandemic.
Yet they worship capitalism as if it were something holy. 🙄
Seriously, no joke.
Well said.
@mchill said... all of which is financed by rich Capitalist taxpayers.
Socialism is the fire department saving your house, the police protecting your community, the government providing disaster relief, deposit insurance, highways and bridges.
In a purely socialist country your house will burn down, the police wont have enough resources to protect you, the govt will not help you and highways and bridges will be in a mess.
Thank God for Capitalism.... Socialist get a chance to ride the back of the hard working Capitalists
@rajk999 saidHe's right.
... all of which is financed by rich Capitalist taxpayers.
In a purely socialist country your house will burn down, the police wont have enough resources to protect you, the govt will not help you and highways and bridges will be in a mess.
Thank God for Capitalism.... Socialist get a chance to ride the back of the hard working Capitalists
It's the capitalist workers who pay for everything.
@mchill saidBill Gates is a back stabbing piece of crap.
he is giving capitalism a bad name.
Bill Gates isn't perfect, but he's done far more to combat hunger, illiteracy, agriculture crisis, and aiding children in war zones around the world than your beloved Donald, the Koch brothers, Charles Schwab and other holier than thou Republicans combined.
In the 70's, he and his friend Paul Allen started a small software company, ...[text shortened]... ous for their 70 hour workweeks, and high expectations. How is that "giving capitalism a bad name??"
You know next to nothing about Bill Gates. If he wanted to lift people out of poverty that would reduce birth rates and accomplish what he says he wants to do. He doesn't want to reduce birth rates by lifting people out of poverty. He wants to do it without lifting them out of poverty.