Biden said this yesterday..."""We don't know what the Fed is going to do for certain,” Biden said. “But look, we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9 percent down to close to 3 percent. We're in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office, where inflation was skyrocketing,” he added.""
I, and all of you, know that this is a baldfaced lie, so I googled the following stats.
" according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, inflation was recorded at just 1.4% in January 2021 when Biden took office. It remained below 3% until April 2021, when it surged 4.2% and continued increasing until it hit a 40-year high of 9.1%.
Since then, the Consumer Price Index has steadily declined, decreasing every month until December, when it jumped from 3.1% to 3.4%. In January, inflation fell again, but increased in February to 3.2% and again last month to 3.5%, according to the data released Wednesday."
Darn it, Trumphouse had just convinced me to vote for this liar, but now I am changing back to vote for Trump or RFK!!
@averagejoe1 saidCodswallop. Inflation was worldwide and caused by COVID stimulus packages and emergency Government spending. Catch up!
Biden said this yesterday..."""We don't know what the Fed is going to do for certain,” Biden said. “But look, we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9 percent down to close to 3 percent. We're in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office, where inflation was skyrocketing,” he added.""
I, and all of you, know that this is a baldfaced ...[text shortened]... e had just convinced me to vote for this liar, but now I am changing back to vote for Trump or RFK!!
@kewpie saidNo, these are USA numbers, REGARDLESS the reasons, blah blah. YOu act like a liberal, Kewpie. YOu twist posts. Biden says that inflation was skyrocketing when he took over, when it was around 1%. A lie. He lies that it is going down In This Country Under His Watch, when it is going UP. You libs give me a headache. Why don't hou write about inflation in Gagastonia, you might as well. zzzzzzzz
Codswallop. Inflation was worldwide and caused by COVID stimulus packages and emergency Government spending. Catch up!
Now, check out my post about you WOKE people, what you are doing to this country. Pride Queers get to set up little school organizations, but an 11yr old girl cannot set up a Faith organization. You and WOKE are contributing to the horrible chain of events bringing our country down. Have you heard that Biden is inviting everyone in the world to enter our country?
@averagejoe1 saidWhat don't you understand about the separation of church and state?
No, these are USA numbers, REGARDLESS the reasons, blah blah. YOu act like a liberal, Kewpie. YOu twist posts. Biden says that inflation was skyrocketing when he took over, when it was around 1%. A lie. He lies that it is going down In This Country Under His Watch, when it is going UP. You libs give me a headache. Why don't hou write about inflation in Gagastonia, ...[text shortened]... our country down. Have you heard that Biden is inviting everyone in the world to enter our country?
Everything, apparently.
@mott-the-hoople saidMott, what did the suzie person mean by that? I am off to the Masters cover for me, will you.....
what do you not understand about this post showing biden lying about inflation?
hint; nothing to do with Church/state
Year____Mon_CPI____% inc.
2024 Mar 312.3____3.5% <- Still a little high
2024 Feb 310.3____3.2%
2024 Jan 308.4____3.1%
2023 Jun 305.1____3.0%
2023 Jan 299.2____6.4% <- COVID ends (mortality back to baseline). Rates are dropping.
2022 Jun 296.3____9.1% <- Inflation high point
2022 Mar 287.5____8.5% <- Fed realizes 'Houston we have a problem. People feel WAY too good and are buying everything. Time to raise rates.'
2022 Jan 281.1____7.5% <- Biden declared greatest President in history. Fed leaves interest rates low.
2021 Jun 271.7____5.4% <- people feeling good; Trump GONE!
2021 Jan 261.6____1.4% <- rebellion to overthrow the US government defeated.
@spruce112358 saidYeah everyone except light-weights know these figures. Head in sand with Joe, who ignores these figures. He is a proven liar when it matters. All the 'lies' that Trumphouse and Sue mention are not near as decimating as are these lies. How many of you are down to paying the minimum on your credit cards? Ouch.
Year____Mon_CPI____% inc.
2024 Mar 312.3____3.5% <- Still a little high
2024 Feb 310.3____3.2%
2024 Jan 308.4____3.1%
2023 Jun 305.1____3.0%
2023 Jan 299.2____6.4% <- COVID ends (mortality back to baseline). Rates are dropping.
2022 Jun 296.3____9.1% <- Inflation high point
2022 Mar 287.5____8.5% <- Fed realizes 'Houston we have a problem. People feel WAY too go ...[text shortened]... ling good; Trump GONE!
2021 Jan 261.6____1.4% <- rebellion to overthrow the US government defeated.
Biden claims inflation was 'skyrocketing' when he took office, despite data showing opposite. Have you seen all the articles today about his lying to the public? And that he threatens to raise corp taxes, who will in turn raise prices to cover that tax, and as business falls off, they will fire people.
Oh, sorry, I was writing to a light-weight, this is a business matter. The matters of you folks is to reduce working hours, hit up every govt giveaway program, and pick flowers.
It doesn't matter if the figures came from Trump himself you would bitch about them.
Covid screwed up the entire planet including the US, or did you forget the hundreds of shipping boats stuck near San Diego not able to bring in goods? You don't think that will raise inflation just on its own?
You want to rewrite history. What a shocker. The ultrarightwingnut agenda.
Nah, that Jan 6 thing, just polite political discourse, no violence there........
@mott-the-hoople saidIf you think Trump got inflation to 1% during Covid, you're even more gullible than I thought.
what do you not understand about this post showing biden lying about inflation?
hint; nothing to do with Church/state
I'm talking about AvJoe whining that some little girl can't start a Faith org at some school, moron.
@kewpie saidA weak president can cause a lot of problems. Strange phenomenon but it's always been that way.
Codswallop. Inflation was worldwide and caused by COVID stimulus packages and emergency Government spending. Catch up!
Wars, Inflation, Dudes in female attire who have military command etc etc
@fartacus saidTrump is probably one of the weakest Presidents in history.
A weak president can cause a lot of problems. Strange phenomenon but it's always been that way.
Wars, Inflation, Dudes in female attire who have military command etc etc
He bungled COVID, ballooned the deficit, ruined America's foreign relations, snuggled up to the worst sort of dictators, and tried to overthrow the government.
What a dummy.