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You have zero impact on US policy

You have zero impact on US policy


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This article asserts that the average citizen has no real effect on US policy, only the corporate elite have a say.

The article uses the example of amnesty for illegals. Corporate elites have pushed for amnesty, assumingly for reasons of cheap labor. Therefore, their will be done.

Just from my personal observation, I see this elsewhere. For example, we have all see the actions of SCOTUS. We have the illusion that they base their rulings on whether they have more conservatives or liberals on the bench. However, if you look at SCOTUS purely as a rubber stamp for corporate America, they neither rule left or right, rather, they only rule corporate.

Take Obamacare for example. Here is legislation that the left championed. Ironically, they championed legislation that gave corporate America the power to set our tax rates for medical care, as well as forcing us to buy it. Justice Roberts single handedly changed the law into a tax so it might be considered somewhat Constitutional, even though he was considered a "conservative" justice.

Then I hearken back to the time that SCOTUS was considering whether or not corporations should be considered an entity like an individual in regards to campaign donations. Again, SCOTUS ruled on the side of corporate America. They can do no wrong. This was considered to be a "win" for conservatives, as where Obamacare was considered a "win" for liberals. Instead, both were only a win for corporate America.

The corporate bail outs are yet another example, as both parties joined hands to loot trillions from Americans to cover the sins of corporate America, because life without them would be unthinkable, if not impossible. They were simply too big to fail, so they took all our money to prop them up.

Using this perspective, you can now predict every move SCOTUS makes. Simply ask yourself, what would corporate America want, and you will know what their next ruling will be before they even hear the case.

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Originally posted by whodey

This article asserts that the average citizen has no real effect on US policy, only the corporate elite have a say.

The article uses the example of amnesty for illegals. Corporate elites have pushed for amnesty, assumingly for reasons of cheap labor. There ...[text shortened]... e America want, and you will know what their next ruling will be before they even hear the case.
Feed your cynicism whodey, check out "House of Cards". The US version.

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Continue from domestic to foreign policy to see the same trend. Did you not notice a New York court ruling in favour of "vulture funds" and against the elected, democratic government of Argentina? This is too devious for most electorates to see coming so it is spreading fast around the planet. The US, working outside and really in opposition to the remit of the UN, has been promoting a chain of free trade agreements in which a primary feature is the ability of corporations to take governments to court and sue for lost profits (and very large sums indeed) if any elected government has the temerity to introduce policies that impede profitable business enterprises from doing what they want, regardless of local social, environmental or economic policies, including in the case of Argentina regardless of the measures taken to recover from bankruptcy. and restore effective government.

The latest extension of this trend is a major treaty with the European Union, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, claiming to promote free trade, actually extending the power of corporations to dictate public policy. Again, too complicated to even get a debate going with the electorate and absolutely a dire threat to democracy from corporate power.

Although driven through the American political system, which has been so deeply corrupted, the corporations are not specifically American any more and certainly not especially loyal to the US. They are global companies and function in their own interests alone.

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Originally posted by finnegan
Continue from domestic to foreign policy to see the same trend. Did you not notice a New York court ruling in favour of "vulture funds" and against the elected, democratic government of Argentina? This is too devious for most electorates to see coming so it is spreading fast around the planet. The US, working outside and really in opposition to the remit o ...[text shortened]... especially loyal to the US. They are global companies and function in their own interests alone.
It appears that the engine for the modern day collectivist is the corporation. After all, collectivists like Obama are dependent upon their support and money.

Those in Europe have surrendered to this beast in the form of the EU. Those in the US have surrendered to this beast in the form of the US federal government.

As you point out, this is tyranny. Europeans have no real influence over the EU, much like those in the US have no influence over the federal government. Here in the US, we have a Congress that has not had an approval rating over 20% for decades, yet they keep getting elected anyway. As for the President, the trend is to be popular enough to win two terms, and at the end of that second term their approval rating is below 40%. It is a Mubarak type existence all courtesy of globalist collectivists.

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Originally posted by finnegan
Continue from domestic to foreign policy to see the same trend. Did you not notice a New York court ruling in favour of "vulture funds" and against the elected, democratic government of Argentina? This is too devious for most electorates to see coming so it is spreading fast around the planet. The US, working outside and really in opposition to the remit o ...[text shortened]... especially loyal to the US. They are global companies and function in their own interests alone.
There is no reason not to have free trade. Corporation, like everyone, should be treated fairly and it is great when courts recognize this.


Originally posted by Wajoma
Feed your cynicism whodey, check out "House of Cards". The US version.
Yes, fiction is the place to learn the facts.

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Originally posted by quackquack
There is no reason not to have free trade. Corporation, like everyone, should be treated fairly and it is great when courts recognize this.
Did someone say corporations want free trade?

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Originally posted by JS357
Yes, fiction is the place to learn the facts.
Jeez, there're some sad pricks around here now.


Originally posted by quackquack
There is no reason not to have free trade. Corporation, like everyone, should be treated fairly and it is great when courts recognize this.
This is a case in which ruthless speculators - known fondly as "vulture funds" - buy up government debt at a cut price (because it is near worthless) - and use that to block every effort at resolving the economic crisis until they get to screw their profit from the transaction. There is nothing about this that is "fair." The reality is that they purchase the bonds at cut price precisely because it has lost its value and it is entirely unreasonable that they are allowed to profit hugely at the expense of the other bondholders who accepted a deal and the people of Argentina who never got much say in the matter either way. (Remember Argentina has only emerged from dictatorship in fairly recent memory).

Speculators take risks. It is not the job of the courts to take the risk away and allow excess profits at the public expense.

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Originally posted by Wajoma
Feed your cynicism whodey, check out "House of Cards". The US version.
Everything Europe does, the US feels compelled to do.

And to think we had a Revolution to break away from these sad bureaucratic freaks.

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Originally posted by whodey

This article asserts that the average citizen has no real effect on US policy, only the corporate elite have a say.
This is true about any Western government.

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Originally posted by whodey
Europeans have no real influence over the EU, much like those in the US have no influence over the federal government. .
Apathy is the enemy.

I am waiting for a charismatic leader of the "None Of The Above" Party to emerge.

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