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You're not black if you don't vote for me??

You're not black if you don't vote for me??



Biden said, "If you don't vote for me you aint black"and now this Joy Reid person is saying the same thing to people who have less-than-white(?) skin that if you don't vote for Kamala, you aint black?????????
She is being honest. Joe Biden said he would pick a female black or some such, which does not help the person he picks, does it? It demeaned her. She was chosen for gender and race?????????

Now, the same thinking. Racists all . What is wrong with you people?



Kamala's mother is Indian and her dad. from Jamaica, looks like a quadroon, he's really light.
So Kamala is really an octaroon.

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@AverageJoe1 said
Biden said, "If you don't vote for me you aint black"and now this Joy Reid person is saying the same thing to people who have less-than-white(?) skin that if you don't vote for Kamala, you aint black?????????
She is being honest. Joe Biden said he would pick a female black or some such, which does not help the person he picks, does it? It demeaned her. She was chosen ...[text shortened]... Racists all . What is wrong with you people?

I will say it one more time.

It is almost impossible to be racist against white people.

I say this as a white person. I've been one my whole life. I've seen how we treat non-whites.

White people have at least a 500 year history of racism against all non-white races. You cannot dispute that.

I can fully understand all of the vitriol some have against white people. I have some of that myself. We haven't done white people any favors. Whites have oppressed every single non-white race at some point in our history. But white people have been on top of the heap of humanity for hundreds of years. And boy, do we take advantage of that. We've used that one simple fact to oppress nearly every minority group we've ever confronted. We've even gone so far as to use them against each other, just like AvJoe is doing here. This is the factual group dynamic we're talking about. I'm frankly always surprised when I do see blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans supporting white people. But this speaks more to the inherent goodness of those people. We have been nasty to these races for so long, it is almost a joke, and everyone knows it. But it is never 'funny'. It's sad. Sad, but true.

Whenever I hear somebody who is non-white speaking poorly of whites, the first thing I always feel is "yeah, you got a point, there." I cannot, in good conscience, punch back at all. They're right.

This is why I say that it is almost impossible to be "racist" against whites. Because, for the most part, we deserve every bit of it.

As a white person, do you want this to change? Change comes only from within. It's a punchline, but it's true, you have to want to change. BE the change you want to see. Every time. Without fail. This is the only way forward for whites, as a "people".

So you think you're not racist? Live it. Convince your "bros" not to make racist comments. Stand up for non-whites when you can. Don't be so damned sensitive when non-whites speak badly about whites out of sheer frustration with us. Be the change, live the change. This is the only way we, as a people, can dig out from under the hate we've shown others over hundreds of years. Racial atonement is with our grasp. Only we can deserve it for ourselves.

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My kids (adopted from Haiti, now 19 and 24, speak the local lingo accent-free) are routinely stopped by store detectives and ordered to open their rucksacks on suspicion of shoplifting. White kids walk on by with nary a glance from store detectives. I've watched it happen from just outside the store. If I see my kids being stopped and questioned, all I have to do is step inside, one of my kids greets me with 'Hello, Papa' and the store detective looks at me sheepishly and backs off. Naw, don't call it racism; find some other word for it. Howbout 'stupid White man syndrome.'

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@moonbus said

My kids (adopted from Haiti, now 19 and 24, speak the local lingo accent-free) are routinely stopped by store detectives and ordered to open their rucksacks on suspicion of shoplifting. White kids walk on by with nary a glance from store detectives. I've watched it happen from just outside the store. If I see my kids being stopped and questioned, all I have to do ...[text shortened]... ks off. Naw, don't call it racism; find some other word for it. Howbout 'stupid White man syndrome.'
Can't argue with that, but something inside me thinks we all should have outgrown this sort of neanderthal tribalism long, long ago, and I mean on some sort of evolutionary timescale.

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@Suzianne said
Can't argue with that, but something inside me thinks we all should have outgrown this sort of neanderthal tribalism long, long ago, and I mean on some sort of evolutionary timescale.
Civilisation hasn't been around long enough, only since the last ice age ended about 10,000 yrs ago, for every specimen of h.saps to have adjusted to the rise of large urbanised conglomerations where conflicting interests compete for scarce resources shoulder-to-shoulder. Tribalism is alive and dying out among us. Pity them, for evolution is merciless to those who refuse to adapt. The paradox is that the maladapted may have all the hi-tech toys and believe themselves to be 'advanced' on that account. But, really, only their toys are 'advanced', they aren't.

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@moonbus said
Civilisation hasn't been around long enough, only since the last ice age ended about 10,000 yrs ago, for every specimen of h.saps to have adjusted to the rise of large urbanised conglomerations where conflicting interests compete for scarce resources shoulder-to-shoulder. Tribalism is alive and dying out among us. Pity them, for evolution is merciless to those who refuse to a ...[text shortened]... s to be 'advanced' on that account. But, really, only their toys are 'advanced', they aren't.
The Canadian band Rush says "Changes aren't permanent but change is." Maybe we all need more patience with each other and with the rate of change. As you say, it is inevitable, after all (if we don't wipe ourselves out first).

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@Suzianne said
The Canadian band Rush says "Changes aren't permanent but change is." Maybe we all need more patience with each other and with the rate of change. As you say, it is inevitable, after all (if we don't wipe ourselves out first).
Evolution works over incredibly long period of time, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. We are only 2 or 3% different from chimpanzees and bonobos genetically speaking. That tiny little difference consists in the fact that we can make conscious choices to speed up evolution. Or, as you say, wipe ourselves out through stupidity. The choices are ours to make, every day.


@moonbus said
Evolution works over incredibly long period of time, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. We are only 2 or 3% different from chimpanzees and bonobos genetically speaking. That tiny little difference consists in the fact that we can make conscious choices to speed up evolution. Or, as you say, wipe ourselves out through stupidity. The choices are ours to make, every day.
Indeed. Too many people seem delighted to push us right to the brink.


@Suzianne said
I will say it one more time.

It is almost impossible to be racist against white people.

I say this as a white person. I've been one my whole life. I've seen how we treat non-whites.

White people have at least a 500 year history of racism against all non-white races. You cannot dispute that.

I can fully understand all of the vitriol some have against white peop ...[text shortened]... over hundreds of years. Racial atonement is with our grasp. Only we can deserve it for ourselves.


@Suzianne said
I will say it one more time.

It is almost impossible to be racist against white people.

I say this as a white person. I've been one my whole life. I've seen how we treat non-whites.

White people have at least a 500 year history of racism against all non-white races. You cannot dispute that.

I can fully understand all of the vitriol some have against white peop ...[text shortened]... over hundreds of years. Racial atonement is with our grasp. Only we can deserve it for ourselves.
What is the presentism fallacy?
presentism - thinking about history from an exclusively "presentist" point of view (i.e., from the perspective of our present-day understanding of events) fails to take into account that, at the time in which historical events occurred, those involved did not enjoy the benefit of hindsight that has informed our present ...


@AverageJoe1 said
Biden said, "If you don't vote for me you aint black"and now this Joy Reid person is saying the same thing to people who have less-than-white(?) skin that if you don't vote for Kamala, you aint black?????????
She is being honest. Joe Biden said he would pick a female black or some such, which does not help the person he picks, does it? It demeaned her. She was chosen ...[text shortened]... Racists all . What is wrong with you people?

How about J.D. Vance?

Try to deny he was chosen for his race and gender. He sure wasn't chosen for his ability or experience.

He has nothing to bring to a normal campaign, but this is the campaign of Donald Trump. They are two peas in a pod. If he does nothing but echo your Orange Jesus, every one of you will think he's done his job.



@mike69 said
What is the presentism fallacy?
presentism - thinking about history from an exclusively "presentist" point of view (i.e., from the perspective of our present-day understanding of events) fails to take into account that, at the time in which historical events occurred, those involved did not enjoy the benefit of hindsight that has informed our present ...
No kidding. And nothing moved them except concern for themselves.

Just like your Orange Jesus.


@Suzianne said
No kidding. And nothing moved them except concern for themselves.

Just like your Orange Jesus.
You’re on your normal bs roll don’t let me slow you down. 😁😁😁🥳


@Suzianne said
The Canadian band Rush says "Changes aren't permanent but change is." Maybe we all need more patience with each other and with the rate of change. As you say, it is inevitable, after all (if we don't wipe ourselves out first).
Have you seen Kamala's policies, her plans. Maybe it seems doable to you, but I cannot see people who work hard being OK and 'patient' with supporting those who do not. UBI? Immigrants with hands out? It is a long list, Suzi, a lib wish list.
The mistletoe will attach itself to an Oak Tree. How long will the mighty Oak hold on. How long indeed.

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