For those who can't or won't watch the video, it is about a man holding a petition for people to sign that would repeal the Bill of Rights. He presents it for people to sign saying that it will help Obama and his agenda's.
All seemingly do sign but one who objects. Not surprising I suppose since they are on the left dead headed coast.
Originally posted by whodeyI jumped in this thread like a dog to a disappointed me ðŸ˜
For those who can't or won't watch the video, it is about a man holding a petition for people to sign that would repeal the Bill of Rights. He presents it for people to sign saying that it will help Obama and his agenda's.
All seemingly do sign but one who objects. Not surprising I suppose since they are on the left dead headed coast.
This thread give me an idea.
Why don't we create a system whereby each citizen must sign off on suggested legislation? So lets say these buffoons wish to sign away their rights via the Bill of Rights. Ok, but not me because I didn't sign.
Of course, this would negate a Congress who only has a 9% approval rating as they drag us kicking and dragging toward their retarded utopia.
Collectivists use democracy as a tool, but by in large if it were practiced as I suggest it would destroy them.